*rubbing eyes*
*BIG yawn*
Is it Monday already?
Allllllll right…it is potluck.
Today you can bring anything you want. I am feeling very hungry and a bit grumpy.
Why am I hungry and grumpy this fine Monday morning?
Thanks for asking!
It has a little to do with this extravagant purchase from the shelves of my local Williams-Sonoma:

I know! I know! That is WAY too much to pay for syrup. I was weak. I couldn’t help myself under the Williams-Sonoma domestic spell.
Yes, that is enough to cause grumpiness, but what is the hunger all about with tasty expensive syrup in the house?
The pancakes were made.
They were buttered.
I reached for the syrup.
I tried to open the syrup.
I got a knife.
I stabbed.
I picked (axed).
I sliced.
12 minutes later with cold pancakes awaiting:

Oh, and there is no way to reassemble it so all the syrup needs to be consumed today or transferred to a new container.
Yes, I am taking it back to W-S which just increases my grumpiness.
Let’s find out who is Peep of the Week!

This week is a little different. I am awarding Peep of the Week status to the person who left the link to this tasty little potluck tidbit featured on Passive Aggressive Notes:

So for that fun link, ANONYMOUS is Peep of the Week!
Did I just award Peep of the Week to Anonymous?
Holy crap people! Leave your name! Let this be a lesson to you all!
Just for that I am totally not updating Holly’s coccyx this week.

So there.

It’s not me, It’s YOU is returning this Wednesday with Mr. Linky for you to post shopping related posts. If your shopping related post involves Target you get BONUS points which are useless in all 50 states and Canada (Nirvana lawyers are reviewing their significance in Australia).
And because I have a heart and love you all so much…
What is in Holly’s fruit bowl?
2 lemons, 2 red apples and 3 aging bananas.
Oh, and for a short while a few days ago…a bird.
*major foreshadowing alert*
*major foreshadowing alert*
Please tune in tomorrow for a Nirvana films production of that event.
This Monday may your syrup be cheap and easy…
Baby… my syrup is always cheap and easy (wink,wink,nudge,nudge). Bwah haha!
(I’m so lame – I always laugh at my own jokes… yes, even when they’re not that funny)
Hope your coccyx is okay! I’m going to worry all week, now!
I’m wondering something? Will the fruit bowl go Christmas? And, you know, I’m also a Texas Holly, right – being a native and all…just sayin’ 🙂
Huh, we usually keep our birds in the refrigerator. Can you let them sit out?