Exploring Art without Boundaries

Birds on a branch by Reid age 5 Art is best explored freely. How does your child typically approach art at home: mostly using coloring books, or does he/she enjoy more open-ended creative play? When children are placed in an environment that encourages exploration, creativity soars. Where possible, find ways for your child to discover his or her own style by exploring with a variety of creativity materials with no set goal or expectation. Mary Rogers M.A. Ed., co-founder and CEO of Abrakadoodle Remarkable ArtTM says, “Most children are accustomed to trying to meet parent or teacher expectations and create with that in mind. However, when children learn that their creations will be valued, they really blossom with individual expression. It’s a wonder to behold.” Silver Medal How can you strengthen children’s creativity at home? Offer them opportunities to create original artwork, whether it’s recycling a cardboard box with a clever design, painting an original scene, arranging wild flowers, decorating an outdoor garden space or creating place cards for a special occasion. Research has confirmed what many people already know: Prefabricated art, such as coloring books, tend to stifle children’s imaginations and artistic abilities. Celebrate and encourage the originality that is a natural part of your child. Vocano by Rhett age 3 Courtesy of Abrakadoodle Remarkable ArtTM © 2006 – visit us on the web at www.abrakadoodle.com.

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