My kids love going to the grocery store, me not so much.   I can totally see this idea, from JDaniel’s Mom, entertaining my kids as we shop!   Thanks for another great guest post – I think this would be great for my youngest who is still learning her colors.   It would be a great way to teach her about the shades of something!   JDaniel’s Mom went on a hunt for shades of the color green, but I can see us adapting this and say giving each of my kids their own color.   We could even keep a tally and see which color is the most prevalent.   If you are interested in other fun learning activities, be sure to check out JDaniel’s 4 Mom – it’s a great site!
I picked up these paint chips at my local Lowe's store. I love that they have a window you can use to see an object behind the paint chip and see if it matches. The little window made it a great tool to take to the grocery store and look for green foods. JDaniel loves to have something to do while sitting in the cart. This activity was a lot of fun and a great way to both entertain and teach at the same time.
Sometimes I would hand JDaniel the item to test.   Other times I would hold the card up to the food and have him tell me if it matched.
We looked like we were having so much fun another mother of a two year old mentioned she would like to try this activity with her child. .

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  1. Awesome… Playing these simple games while you shop will not only entertain your child making for a more pleasant trip, but will also teach fundamental skills in math, science and language arts. Get ready for a shopping adventure

  2. That’s a great way to educate the kids and have fun at the same time. Kids learn best when they are having fun. It is also a fantastic way to bond together as a family.

  3. That is a fantastic idea. Where was JDaniel’s Mom when my kids were younger? She is so awesome!

  4. Fabulous idea! We have a grocery store bingo game we often take with us but this is even better! We are also going to be doing your snack map idea this week! Thanks!
    .-= Linds´s last blog ..Cleaning Routine? =-.

  5. THAT is a FABULOUS idea! This would keep my son busy the whole time! I even have some extra paint chips left over for some painting we recently did. And today is shopping day! I can’t wait to try this out!
    .-= Natalie´s last blog ..8 Months – Gone So Fast =-.