Kids are out of school with nothing to do… Moms need a little support and a laugh… Moms may even find themselves caring for sick children… I know we have made light of the Swine Flu situation here at Burb Mom, but one of the reasons we have done that is to entertain and distract local moms who now find them in a difficult situation. We don’t take H1N1 lightly. Here are some website links that give serious information about this recent strain of Influenza: Wikipedia – Who could live without it?   You will find basic information about the origin and transmission of H1N1 in the linked article. CDC – This is the Center for Disease Control website.   The information here is up to date and technical.   Here are the tips from the CDC about reducing transmission:

What You Can Do to Stay Healthy

  • Stay informed. This website will be updated regularly as information becomes available.
  • Influenza is thought to spread mainly person-to-person through coughing or sneezing of infected people.
  • Take everyday actions to stay healthy.
    • Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Throw the tissue in the trash after you use it.
    • Wash your hands often with soap and water, especially after you cough or sneeze. Alcohol-based hands cleaners are also effective.
    • Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth. Germs spread that way.
    • Stay home if you get sick. CDC recommends that you stay home from work or school and limit contact with others to keep from infecting them.
  • Follow public health advice regarding school closures, avoiding crowds and other social distancing measures.
  • Develop a family emergency plan as a precaution. This should include storing a supply of food, medicines, facemasks, alcohol-based hand rubs and other essential supplies.
  • Call 1-800-CDC-INFO for more information.
NLM – The National Library of Medicine has some good information and links.   It is where I found this link about interpretation of the H1N1 test results. AAP – The American Academy of Pediatrics has good information about how the swine flu might affect kids.   I found this information there:
If you get sick, stay home from work or school, and limit your contact with others to keep from infecting them. Adults should not leave home until 7 days after symptoms begin; children should stay home 10 days after the onset of illness.
Children’s National Medical Center – has this really good information on How to Talk to your Child about Swine Flu.   Here is an excerpt:
For example, you may wish to explain that H1N1 (swine flu) is a sickness that pigs can get and these germs that cause pigs to become ill can change over time to become a sickness that people can get and pass to each other.
You can also get updates by following the CDC on Twitter.

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