*Holly calling for (2) more laws in her town is quite a development since when it comes to laws Holly is a less is more kinda girl…

Holly doesn’t like to complain but she has noticed a serious problem that plagues the roads in front of the schools in her town.

She is very sensitive to speed in the school zone. She is sensitive to the tune of $233 in the 2007 calendar year. Holly got a ticket for 8 mph over the school zone in an area that she thought the school zone had ended MILES ago.

The town that Holly lives in has 20 mph school zones within a 3 mile radius of any institution that looks like a child might have visited in the past:

Legend: fancy orange squares=school zone with a 20 mph speed limit

In 2007 the townspeople of Holly’s town voted to ban cell phones in school zones.

Holly’s full disclosure: Holly voted against such a thing but isn’t bitter that she was not on the winning side except that she might still be a bit bitter since she is now writing this in her very own blog that you are currently reading but she wants to disclose her vote even though in the United States of America voting is a private issue but she would feel much better if you knew the way she voted since it might in some small way affect the way she views this situation.

Holly would like to add that she is in favor of children and isn’t trying to hit them with her minivan while talking on the phone.

Holly would like to point out that in the town where she lives it is uncommon for children to walk to and/or from school.

Due to the school zone cell phone ban, Holly has noticed that this usually happens:

Legend: Orange bolts of lightening=slamming of brakes along with the simultaneous drop of phone into the lap

Holly has looked around and noticed that she isn’t the only one with coordination problems. It appears that most drivers are finding it difficult to slam on their brakes WHILE pausing their phone conversation and dropping their phones into their laps.

Holly is concerned that this new ban has caused bigger safety issues. Holly is frightened for anyone walking or riding within a 100 yard distance of the start of a school zone.

For this reason Holly is calling for the following two zones to be added to the existing school zone. She is declaring this now so that it can be placed on the 2008 ballot for the townspeople’s vote:

Legend: pink colored blocks (*)=Cell phone drop to lap zone, purple jagged line (**)=area to start the slam of brakes, fancy orange blocks=existing school zone with 20 mph speed limit

Townspeople unite! Vote for the additional “cell phone drop to lap zone” and the “slam on the brake zone”!

Holly believes that her plan will dramatically decrease the driver’s multitasking panic. *cue patriotic music*

Holly realizes that each school zone would now need an additional 4 signs plus maybe a few warning signs. Holly is aware that signs like money don’t grow on trees. Holly is pretty sure that Kinko’s might run some sort of bulk sign deal with the town when her two additional laws are passed.

Tune in next Tuesday when Holly promises not to give advice to anyone about anything…

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  1. I now have 3,428 rollover minutes because of this law. No joke. I live in the epicenter of school zones; therefore I cannot use my cell phone from aprox. 7:45 – 9:15 a.m. or 2:45 – 4:15 p.m.

    Which is pretty much the only time this SAHM is on the road.

    My husband thanks you, City Council.

    I'm counting the days until AT&T Mobile comes and claims my first dear son so that I may switch to Sprint and use my OnStar network.

    Hands-free, baby!

  2. That law just annoys me…I am always in a school zone and I just put the phone on speaker and I know husband is always on blue tooth then…the signs would help though!
    I am happy that others have said ‘oh crap, a school zone to their callers’ 😉