It was December 28, 2007. Holly has just dumped lovingly left the boys with grandma.

She is off for a fabulous day on the town ALONE to get ready for the big anniversary celebration she and blog-Stedmam are having the following day in honor of 17 years of blissful marriage.

Today, she has a strenuous schedule of a pedicure, shopping and expensive coffee drinking planned.

Did she mention that the boys not with her?

Look at Holly!

She is so excited.

Good for Holly.

Oh! And she is about to mail her LAST Christmas card of the 2007 season.

It is going to be a VERY good day for Holly.

Holly drives the minivan of death that looks like a boat from above to the end of the driveway.

Holly steps out of the minivan of death that looks like a boat from above to mail her last Christmas card of the 2007 season.

Holly returns to the minivan of death that looks like a boat from above and opens the door right into her forehead (see “X”).

Yes, Holly opened the minivan of death that looks like a boat from above’s door right into her very own forehead that has been part of her body for more than 37 years (see close up “X”).

Holly looks around to see if anyone witnessed such a silly event.

Holly then realizes that blood is pouring out of the forehead.

Holly pauses, applies pressure and thinks, “Crap. I am wearing my favorite sweater.”

Holly gets into the minivan of death that looks like a boat from above and drives backwards to the house applying pressure to her forehead.

Holly goes into the house and looks in the mirror to assess the damages to her forehead.

Oh no!

Holly is bloody.

Holly is very bloody.

Bloody, bloody Holly.

Holly gently calls grandma. Grandma knows something is wrong when she sees Bloody Holly. Grandma suggests that she take Bloody Holly to the hospital. Grandma loads up the minivan of death that looks like a boat from above with all the boys and Bloody Holly.

Let’s take a field trip to the hospital!

In the minivan of death that looks like a boat from above, Bloody Holly calls blog-Stedman for advice. Blog-Stedman seems like a good person for Bloody Holly to call because he went to medical school and works at a world class hospital.

Blog-Stedman says he will meet Bloody Holly in the parking lot of the world class hospital (see “X”).

Bloody Holly arrives in the minivan of death that looks like a boat from above to the world class hospital’s parking lot and is met by by blog-Stedman, MD and blog-Stedman’s partner, MD.

To be continued tomorrow…
What will become of Bloody Holly?
What will become of the world class hospital parking lot consult?
What will become of Holly’s favorite sweater?

Part II is here.

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  1. I had to go back and read it again – how fun! Well, I’m sure it wasn’t fun at the time…but I love the story! Now hurry up and finish it! I’m dying to know how it all turns out! 🙂

  2. I’m laughing out loud. And the funniest part is…my sister is married to a doctor. An ER doc. The day I was having an embryo transferred into me for an IVF cycle she slices her thumb. Horribly. Remove your name and spot of injury, insert hers, and voila you have the story! Or close to it. :o)

    What is it with you doctor’s wives? Miss your hubbys so much you have to find a way to see them?

    Still laughing!

  3. I love your animated adventures. I’m just glad that I am not the only one that this crap happens too.

    1. nope! That is the beauty of the animated adventure…it is crap that happens that you would never think to take pictures of! haha.

  4. *holds breath*

    What happened??

    Did Holly survive? Did the favorite sweater survive? Did the really cute boots survive?

    Did blog-Stedman fall in love with Holly’s nurse while Holly was in a coma? Did Holly’s nurse steal the really cute boots while Holly was in a coma?

    Did Grandma get run over by a reindeer?????

    Well, you can just rock me to sleep tonight cause ain’t no rest happening any other way.

    Leave me hanging like that…sheesh.

    1. I am cruel…I know. I am going to be spending the night trying to work in grandma and a reindeer into the story…

  5. You are now *My Hero* in your “looks like a boat from above” “favourite sweater and super cute boots..”

    I especially liked grandma’s halo..

    all grandma’s need a halo..


  6. I have sooo done that. More than once. Getting glasses helped but still…. Sorry. I hope Stedman was delicious and wonderful.

  7. Awww MAN! I HATE sequels that don’t tell you they are sequels when they start. RATING PLOY! Good thing I read you daily (except for my one day off a week) anyway!


  8. Very funny with the pictures (I love all the boys and the Mds smiling while bloody holly resembles a red cousin it ;)!
    Can’t wait for Tuesday