On Monday I took the younger two boys to Ryan’s end of school program. It was a little over an hour. There was a speaker and then each student received a ribbon, each class performed and each teacher was recognized. Not exactly a treadmill of activity to occupy a 2 y/o.
To increase the degree of difficulty, I forgot Rhett’s binky. Which he informed the crowd on multiple occasions by muttering, “B, B, B, B, B, B!”. Every once in awhile he would raise his voice with a little, “B! Mommy!”. Then he would look at me with big pleading eyes and say so sweetly, “Please, B…?”. I was helpless. An amateur mistake for this overly seasoned mom.
I stuck my own finger in his mouth to have it promptly bitten. Nice. Thanks. Just trying to help you out little buddy. He finally started chewing on his own arm. Bless his flesh eating soul.
Afterward I gave Ryan a choice of three restaurants. There are three restaurants that I am willing to take three boys to unaccompanied. They are Chik-fil-A, McDonald’s and Cici’s Pizza. He chose Cici’s.
Following lunch the boys headed with hands clutching quarters to the arcade area. Rhett donated his quarters to random machines and ended up empty-handed. Reid did really well on the claw and ended up with a dozen plastic crap toys. Ryan ended up taking home most of his quarters because he is unwilling to let loose of the money. He looked into the claw machine and stated, “Mom, none of those toys are worth 50 cents.” He has a point.
Rhett grabbed the dracula teeth that Reid had won, put them in his mouth and wore them home in place of the missing binky. I would have paid more then 50 cents for that peace a few hours previously…
OMG! Those neon dracula teeth Rhett has in his mouth are HILARIOUS! Ha hahahaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahaa! Priceless…so glad for your digital camera and quick snap.
Dracula teeth. Every time.
Hurray for object permanence! Then object transference. You will be so very very happy he has this implanted in his mind and heart when he starts… dating? having children? or shall we say, coveting his own pencils?
Hurray for Holly! Well done.