We are starting our series on Zodiac signs fun facts! We are starting with some interesting facts about Capricorn signs. So if you have a Capricorn zodiac sign or have Capricorn friends, you’ll love these Capricorn facts printables.

Our printables include two coloring pages filled with everything you need to know about the sign of Capricorn: what is the Capricorn personality like, when is the Capricorn season, and more. Continue reading to find our printable PDF file with the coloring pages!

Set of printable capricorn facts coloring pages with crayons and decoration around it. From Kids Activities Blog
Let’s learn some fun facts about Capricorn!

10 Facts About Capricorn People

Represented by the sea goat (a legendary animal half mountain goat and half fish), Capricorns love hard work and have high standards for themselves, although they can push themselves a bit too hard sometimes. It is believed that Capricorn is the most workaholic zodiac sign.

If you look at the constellation, you’ll see Delta Capricorni (formally named Deneb Algedi), the brightest star in the Capricornus constellation, forms the goat’s tail. The winter solstice occurs as we transition into Capricorn season, making this an extra-special time for natives of this sign.

So, without further ado, here are 10 fun facts about the 10th sign of the zodiac.

Related: Check out these 12 zodiac fun fact pages!

Page 1 of printable capricorn facts coloring pages. From Kids Activities Blog
Did you know these fun facts about Capricorn?
  1. Capricorn (??) is the tenth zodiac sign.
  2. It originates from the constellation of Capricornus, the horned goat.
  3. People born between December 22 and January 19 are Capricorns, although some say it’s December 21st and January 20th.
  4. Capricorns are Earth signs, represented by the sea-goat.
  5. Capricorns are wise, calm, great at managing money, and very empathetic.
Page 2 of printable capricorn facts coloring pages. From Kids Activities Blog
Get ready for more Capricorn fun facts!
  1. They are typically very creative, patient, and disciplined to do what they put their minds to.
  2. Capricorn kids often grow up to be musicians, artists, and CEOs.
  3. Capricorns tend to be a bit stubborn and decisive. Once they make a decision, that’s it.
  4. Capricorns are most compatible with other Earth signs like Virgo, Taurus, and other Capricorns.
  5. Some famous Capricorns are Michelle Obama, Martin Luther King Jr., LeBron James, Timothée Chalamet Stephen Hawking, Dolly Parton, Elvis Presley, John Legend, Kate Middleton, and Mary J. Blige.

Download Capricorn Facts PDF Files

Set of printable capricorn facts coloring pages with crayons and decoration around it. From Kids Activities Blog
Grab your crayons to color these Capricorn facts coloring pages!

As you can see, Capricorn traits, like their hard-working nature and incredible instincts, make good leaders! A Capricorn man or Capricorn woman will know how to prioritize important tasks.

They also consider friendship and family important, making them loyal friends and great partners. If you have family members that are Capricorn natives, you’ll notice they have a lot of love to give.


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