The Roman Empire is one of the ancient civilizations that are so important to learn about when studying world history. A great way to do it is through fun activities! Today we are sharing our favorite ways to make the study of ancient Rome much more fun for kids of all ages!

Image shows a compilation of Ancient Rome activities from different sources.
Let’s learn everything about Roman times!

Best Ancient Romans Activities For Kids

The legacy of Ancient Rome is so big that it’s still part of many cultures across the world. From Roman gods to Roman baths, Roman numerals, Roman mythology, gladiator fights, and even the grand historic city of Rome, there’s no doubt it was a powerful empire and an important time period in the ancient world.

But we know that teaching history, whether as a parent or as a teacher, can be a bit bothersome! But don’t worry; in this blog post, we are sharing a series of sources that will make young children excited to learn about the Roman legion.

So, if you’re looking for a lesson plan to teach a whole class or simple ideas to reinforce knowledge at home, keep reading!

Image shows a kid holding a dIY amphitheater
We love DIY crafts to learn about history.

1. Craft / Building A Roman Amphitheatre

One of the most important buildings of the Roman period is the amphitheater – and now we can make our own Roman amphitheater with simple supplies! This is a great opportunity to learn about gladiator matches and the meaning behind them. Gladiators used to fight to entertain emperors, prominent figures, and overall wealthy Romans during military victories, visits from important people, or even as a way to entertain Roman people from the problems in daily life. Get the tutorial at Clara and Macy.

Image shows a compilation of different Ancien rome activities from Wonder Kids UK
Here are so many resources for your Ancient Rome unit.

2. History – Ancient Rome

Wonder Kids UK shared a huge resource list to learn about Ancient Rome. It includes an activity sheet to learn the numerals, coloring pages of Roman soldiers, Roman emperors, Julius Caesar, successful gladiators, and the Colosseum of Rome. Then, there is a strategy game for small groups like Roman dice games, some recipes to eat like Romans back then (they had healthy lifestyles), and even Roman party invites.

Image shows a DIY nile river craft. Idea from Research Parent
Learn through making!

3. Nile River Delta Activity

Here’s a great resource to learn about the importance of the Nile. The river was of great importance: The Roman exploration of the Nile river under Nero was an attempt to obtain information and conquest Ethiopia and other areas in Africa.

This tutorial on how to model the Nile river Delta is a perfect way to learn fun facts with a hands-on activity. Check out the Research Parent for this excellent resource!

Image shows a set of historical figure cards to learn about the ancien rome empire. Idea by research parents
Learning has never been so much fun before!

4. Ancient Rome Historical Figure Cards

This free printable set of cards features 28 of the most famous Ancient Romans. There are 2 sets of matching cards for each figure, with all the information related to the figure! This is a fun way to practice remembering the information by playing a memory matching game. Download the cards at Research Parent.

Image shows some cards to learn about ancine rome. Idea by Research Parents
Try these cards to learn basic terms related to Ancient Rome.

5. Ancient Rome Definition Cards

Download and print these definition cards so that even the youngest students can understand this era better. It includes important vocabulary words relevant to Ancient Rome, and kids can use them to play a matching game or just to study the information on them. Idea from Research Parent.

Want more history learning ideas? Try these from Kids Activities Blog:

We hope you liked these resources to learn about Ancient Rome! Which one was your kids’ favorite activity?

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