What to Do with Kids
Here are some fun activity ideas for kids using items you probably have around the house already. We love when nothing new has to be purchased and you can just “re-purpose” things at home.Play on the sidewalk. Make an adventure trail with this simple idea of what to do with kids today!
Play in the bath tub. Using some non-traditional tub toys is tons of fun.
Read some silly books with your child. Here are 5 giggly suggestions.
Scoop marbles while playing pretend. love this to increase coordination!
Create a rainbow to cheer up your day. This is a fun way to use toys and building blocks in a different way!
More Fun Ideas of What to Do from Kids

- Go for a walk in the park.
- Feed the ducks.
- Ride your bike.
- Play with water.
- Paint your toes/feet.
- Have a tickling battle.
- Host an impromptu game of dodgeball.
- Play animal Simon Says.
- Create a dance competition.
- Color a picture together.
- Play dress-up in Mommy and Daddy’s clothes closet
- Roast smores (or make them in the micro and pretend we roasted them).
- Cut up a magazine with scissors.
- Play with play dough.
- Bake cookies together.
- Take a magnifying glass outside and see the world through a different lens.
- Play with a big, BIG box.
- Put on a music show.
- Mop the floor in our socks.
- Make smoothies together
- Go to a play center.
- Make an obstacle course with furniture/pillows in the house.
- Create a blanket fort.
- Have a paper airplane contest.
- Build with Legos.
- Do each other’s hair.
- Play with shaving cream…
It’s my first time linking up. I’m so glad I found your linky, I’m off to check out the other projects