I don’t know of any kids under 5 who don’t love Peppa Pig!

It’s true of our kids (they’re obsessed), so today I’m making a Peppa Pig TIC-TAC-TOE game for them with Cricut Window Cling.
I’m changing the regular old naughts and crosses to Peppa characters – because the kids will love it!
Window Cling Vinyl

Cricut Window Cling can be applied to windows and reused again and again. It’s a non-permanent, non-adhesive vinyl which comes off easily and is great for kids.
Window clings are especially popular for holiday window decorations: Christmas, Thanksgiving, or Easter window decals, or for celebrating birthday parties and events like that.
I’m going to make a Peppa Pig version of TIC TAC TOE, but you can use any characters or shapes that you like! It’s up to you.
In this post I’ll be showing you how easy it is to use Window Cling with your Cricut machine to make this fun activity!
What you will need:
Design Your Game
The first thing to do is create your design.
I purchased the Peppa characters off Etsy, and the TIC TAC TOE SVG from Creative Fabrica, and inserted them into a new project in Cricut Design Space. You don’t have to always pay, however, as there are a lot of free SVG websites out there as well.
I ungrouped the grid SVG so that I could delete all of the naughts and crosses, in order to use the Peppa Pig characters instead.
I made the game grid 11.5 x 11.5 inches, the largest I can cut it out on one cutting mat with Cricut. Then I made the Peppa Pig characters about 2.7 inches high to fit nicely in with the grid. I duplicated each character so that I had 5 of each.
Lastly, I just changed the TIC TAC TOE SVG and the 2 sets of Peppa characters to different colors so that they would be separated onto different mats for cutting.
Once you are done designing, click ‘Make It’!

Now you will be able to see the mat preview.
Check that everything looks good and is on the correct mat. You won’t need to mirror your mats for this project, unless you are going to cut text that you want to be read from the other side of the window.
Click continue!

Cut Out Your Game
To cut Cricut window cling, you will need to click ‘browse all materials’ and then select ‘window cling’ as your custom material.

Place the window cling on the cutting mat with the vinyl facing up and the backing paper underneath.
Load it into the machine (make sure there is plenty of space behind your machine if you have a Cricut Maker), and click go!

Weed The Vinyl
Now that your game is cut out, you will need to weed away all of the excess window cling from the backing paper.
I’m using black and white-frosted window cling for the Peppa Pig characters, because that is just what I had on hand, but there are many more colors available.
It’s a good idea to keep the backing paper of the window cling, so that you can put your characters on them when the game is not in use. Alternatively, you could just leave them all on the window!

I’m using two colors of window cling vinyl for the Peppa decals, but I wanted the TIC TAC TOE board to be more permanent. I decided to cut it out of regular vinyl so that the kids won’t remove that as well!

Apply Game To Window
The permanent vinyl can be easily applied by starting at the top, and slowly pulling away the backing paper from underneath. If you have trouble, see these tips for applying vinyl to glass.

All done!
The kids will love playing with this for at least 5 minutes until they:
- destroy it
- have it confiscated for fighting over who gets what color
- become bored of it and move onto the Peppa Pig Theme Park app
Have fun!

You don’t wanna miss out on these free peppa pig coloring page!