Kids get attached to the weirdest things. We all know this to be true. That first haircut? Yeah, point out one kid that haircut didn’t traumatize. They just don’t want their ‘things’ going away. Toys, animals, cars, even food. Remember the little boy who wouldn’t eat his dinner because it was too cute? Yeah, kids get attached to things. And when they find out the thing they’re attached to is going away, well, they don’t always take it very well. This little girl, for instance, found out that her favorite thing – her toilet – would be going to the dump, and she lost it. Take a look!
I love that her mama tries to reason with her. “Baby, it’s not alive. It’s just a toilet.” But the little girl is completely unconsolable. To her it isn’t just a toilet. It’s her toilet. And it’s been with her since she first learned to potty, I’m assuming. It’s okay, sweetie, I’m sure you’ll bond with your new toilet, too. And this one? Someday it’ll be but a distant memory swirling in your head.
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