Learning the letter V! Letter V learning Resources, alphabet recognition, phonics, activities and crafts for preschoolers. Learn to read, write and have fun with the letter V.

Let’s learn the letter V!

Learn the letter v with kids activities blog - vampire paper and toilet paper tube craft - more crafts, activities ,and ideas at Kids Activities Blog
keep kids engaged in learning through crafts and activities!

Yay for the Letter V!

Wow, I can’t believe we are almost done with our Fun with letters series!

We know how important letter recognition is for kids that are learning how to read and write. So that is why we made a list with different activities for kids learning the alphabet.

Letter V Song

The letter V plays an important part in the alphabet called a consonant. To understand better what sounds the letter b can make, here is the Letter V song.

Today is all about the letter V, so let’s get started with these fun and engaging activities!

Letter V Lesson Plan

There are many words that start with V. Let’s make a list of some!

  • Victoria and Valencia are some places that start with V.
  • Vulture and vampire bat are two animals that start with V.
  • Vegetables and vanilla ice cream are foods that start with V. Yummy!

How many words that start with V can you think of?

Check out these letter and sound learning games to teach phonics to kids.

Letter V Crafts to Teach

This craft is very colorful and doesn’t require a lot of supplies, so it’s perfect for a quiet afternoon in!

V is for Vase - kindergarten letter v craft - craft paper vase with pipe cleaner flowers - more letter activities and ideas at Kids Activities Blog
We are learning all about the letter V today. So today we are making a vase because it starts with V and it also has the perfect shape for a vase!

We are bringing you this awesome letter V craft. This V is for Vase craft is very important because it helps kids learn the sound and shape of the letter V.

Letter V Activities for preschool and kindergarten - violin, vase, volcano and vulture are pictured - more letter craft and activities at Kids Activities Bog
V is for vulture, vase, volcano, violin, vampire, and many more things. So that’s what we are making today!

Next, we have 12 Letter V Activities for all the little artists out there. Make a handprint volcano craft, a vase of violets, or even create a vampire with handprint art!

There is a fun activity for everyone!

Favorite Letter V Crafts

Free Preschool Letter V Printables

Worksheets that Feature the Letter V

  • Worksheets are a fun and engaging way that allows children to learn the shape of the letters.
  • This free Letter V printable helps kids learn to write uppercase and lowercase letter V. Laminate the worksheet so you can use it as many times as needed.
  • We still have more!
  • Our free Letter V Worksheets packet includes uppercase and lowercase tracing pages, coloring sheets, and phonics activities to teach students the sounds of words that begin with Letter V.

Coloring Pages of things that start with V

More Alphabet Learning Resources

  • Why not play a game? This Alphabet I Spy game is a very easy and fun way to practice the alphabet.
  • It is important for all kids to move in order to stay healthy and fit. So make physical fitness fun by playing this great alphabet game with your child.
  • This printable Color by letters will help your kid work on their U, V, W, X, Y, and Z letters.
  • Turn your lesson into a snack! Make this alphabet sour gummy recipe and spell out some words. After all, we know most of the alphabet by now!

All Letter V