Learning the letter Q! Letter Q learning Resources, alphabet recognition, phonics, activities and crafts for preschoolers. Learn to read, write and have fun with the letter Q.

Let’s learn the letter Q!

Learn the letter Q with kids activities blog - q craft using cereal - more craft and activity ideas at Kid's Activities Blog
keep kids engaged in learning the alphabet through fun crafts, snacks, and activities!

Yay for the Letter Q!

We are continuing our Fun with Letters series, and we are almost done! That’s AMAZING! Your kids are doing such a great job.

Today is all about the letter Q.

Letter Q Song

The letter Q plays an important part in the alphabet called a consonant. To understand better what sounds the letter b can make, here is the Letter Q song.

Whether you want to teach your toddler the alphabet, or need more kindergarten worksheets to do at home, learning the alphabet should be a high priority.

Letter Q Lesson Plan

Q is for queen, quilt, and question! There are so many fun words that start with the letter Q. Let’s start this lesson by asking them:

  • How many words that start with Q they think of?
  • Do they know animals that start with Q?
  • Can they think of foods that start with Q?

Letter Q Crafts to Teach

Q is for Queen… So guess what we are making first?

This Letter Q craft is so easy to make, but so much fun! It even has a little crown!

Q is for Queen - letter q craft for preschool and kindergarten - queen made of q with yarn and craft paper - more crafts and activities at Kid's Activities Blog
This craft helps kids get familiar with the shape of the letter Q. We are sure they will master this letter soon!

The letter Q is a really fun one: you can make a queen craft, paint with q-tips, or make adorable handwriting art! There are so many ways for your kids to have fun with the alphabet.

Words that start with Q - alphabet activities to learn the letter q - queen, Q-tip, and quail are pictured - more crafts and ideas at Kid's Activities Blog
Our Letter Q Activities has over 15 different resources to make your little one learn the letter Q easily. There are tons of fun crafts and activities to choose from!

Check out our Letter Q Activities so your child can explore their inner artist and create so many different crafts!

Favorite Letter Q Crafts

Preschool Letter Q Printables

Worksheets that Feature the Letter Q

Once you feel ready to try handwriting, we have many different free printables that your kid can use as many times as they want.

Worksheets are great resources for kids of any age to learn their ABCs.

  • Q is for Queen is a simple printable to help your kid trace uppercase and lowercase Q.
  • We also have many different printables with Words that start with the letter Q. Q is for queen, quail, question mark… And for all sorts of other quirky things!

This set includes upper and lower case tracing with pictures to color, phonics activities to learn the letter Q, and a letter Q coloring page.

Coloring Pages of things that start with Q

More Alphabet Learning Resources:

  • Check out this Color by letter printables for even more hands-on alphabet activities. They will help your little one practice the letters P, Q, R, S and T.
  • This Simple Alphabet Game is a great way to let your kids familiarize themselves with letter sounds.

All Letter Q