Try out these fun and neat sock crafts to reuse old socks! Whether the socks are old, you can only find one, there is no need to throw them out when you can turn them into these awesome sock crafts!

10 Ways To Reuse Old Socks- sock pillows, sock gloves, sock workout band, sock sleeve, and sock monkey
The sock monkey is my favorite!

Sock Crafts

Right now in my bedroom, I have a bin full of socks with no matches. I’m still hoping to find their other half, but I’m getting closer to giving up and tossing them all in the trash.

Related: Baby sock crafts and more

However, I found a few cool ways to reuse old socks, and am thinking that these ideas might be great alternatives for some of them. Don’t toss your old tube socks, natural fiber sock mismatches, or socks with holes in the toe…Why throw things away when you can reuse them?

Ways To Reuse Old Socks For Sock Crafts

1. Sock Reusable Swiffer Pad

Easy way to reuse old socks: Woman using and old sock as a Swiffer pad by slipping it onto the head of a Swiffer mop.
Reuse old socks as swiffer pads to save Money (and the planet)!

You can easily make a reusable Swiffer pad with an old sock. So smart! Plus you can just wash it after each use and it is awesome at lifting dust. via One Good Thing By Jillee

2. Sock Fingerless Glove Craft

Turn old socks into your new favorite accessory!: A close up of a woman's hand, wearing one rainbow striped sock, turned into a fingerless glove, while flipping through the pages of a book, on a white table.
turn old socks into your new favorite accessory!

Make a pair of fingerless gloves! These are adorable and don’t require sewing and will cover your wrists. via Saved By Love Creations

3. DIY Sock Coffee Cozies Craft

fun upcycled sock craft: brown table with a disposable coffee cup, covered in a comfy-looking gray, wool DIY sock cozy with 5 red buttons sewn into a vertical line in the center (matching the red coffee cup that shows at the bottom of the cozy!).
Even your coffee can be “cozy” on a cold day!

I adore these coffee cozies made from old socks. Perfect for fall and winter! I love giving these as homemade Christmas gifts or stocking stuffers (get it?) via That’s What Che Said

4. Cute Sock Monkey Craft

Creative old sock DIY gift idea: two homemade sock puppets, cuddling (one with charcoal, brown, green, and blue stripes, and the other with light pink, light blue, and dark pink stripes).
Who doesn’t want to cuddle an adorable sock monkey?!

Let’s make a sock puppet! Of course, you can make your kiddos a sock monkey, too. These really are so cute. via Craft Passion

5. DIY iPhone Armband Craft

useful idea for an old sock: woman wearing running attire, wearing a camouflage DIY sock iPhone armband on her arm to hold her phone as she jogs.
A new way to take an old sock on a run with you!

This idea for an iPhone armband out of a sock is brilliant! Plus, it works awesomely. via The Art of Doing Stuff

6. Homemade Sock Dog Toys

This fun dog toy will keep them entertained. My dogs go through these pull toys all the time. Oh, and you can do a variation as a cat toy. via Proud Dog Momma

10 Ways To Reuse Old Socks- door stopper, coffee cup cozie, and swiffer mop head
We always used old socks filled with beans to help keep the drafts out.

7. DIY Sock Heating Pack

An Old Sock & Rice = WAY more comforting than a heating pad!

Perfect for headaches and sore backs, this DIY heating pack is made from rice and and old sock that can be heated in the microwave. via Little Blue Boo

8. Homemade Door Draft Stopper Craft

Save on your energy bill with a cool sock DIY!: old wool socks (black, grey, and cream) sewn into a stuffed tube, and placed on a hardwood floor at the foot of a white door to stop drafts.
Wondering what to do with old socks? Save money on heating!

Make a door draft stopper with googly eyes to keep your electric bills down this winter. Keep the warm air in and the cool air out by stuffing an old sock! via Garden Therapy

9. DIY Pin Cushion Craft

If you like to sew, this DIY pin cushion from a sock will come in super handy. via I Love Doing All Things Crafty

10. Easy Arm Warmers Craft

These arm warmers are adorable for winter. via The Little Treasures

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Which sock craft will you be trying?

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