Cupcakes are awesome! Serving them is guaranteed to bring a smile, whether you are 4 or 44, or 84! Cupcakes are yummy. They can be a pure indulgence of flour and sugar, or something a bit healthier like a whole grain muffin. Add nuts and or fruit and it might even be considered “good for you”.

Let’s create Turkey Leg Cupcakes

Jumpstart your creativity with this fun and inspiring book Hello Cupcake!: Irresistibly Playful Creations Anyone Can Make. One will simply want to create an occasion to fit the cupcake! What better occasion to serve cupcakes than a gathering of Daisy Girl Scouts! And with Thanksgiving being a major part of our central theme…Well, I could not resist making Turkey Leg Cupcakes!

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Supplies and materials needed for the turkey leg cupcakes

  • 1 dozen cupcakes (bake your own or buy from the store)
  • 1 can of your favorite icing
  • box of cornflakes
  • plain donut holes
  • drumstick knuckles guide cut from card stock
  • scissors
  • ziplock
  • piping bag
Who’s excited about a turkey leg cupcake?

directions in making turkey leg cupcakes

Step 1

The prep work: cut out the “drumstick knuckles” from card stock. Cut a pointed end to insert into the donut hole. I pre-cut 12 of them.

Step 2

In a zip lock bag, crush several cups of corn flakes. Empty well-crushed flakes into a large bowl.

turkey leg cupcakes
Carefully place the donut hole “off-center” for the most authentic turkey leg look.

Step 3

Carefully place the donut hole “off-center” for the most authentic turkey leg look.

Step 4

Now, cover the donut hole with icing, sealing it to the base.

Step 5

Once covered, you will dip the cupcake into the flakes…Viola! A done-to-perfection look.

turkey leg cupcakes
Pierce the donut with a sharp knife, then insert the knuckle.

Step 6

Pierce the donut with a sharp knife, then insert the knuckle. and you got yourself a Turkey Drumstick Cupcake!

Yield: 12 cupcakes

Yummy Turkey Leg Cupcakes

Yummy Turkey Leg Cupcakes

Add more fun to your Thanksgiving dessert by making some cute turkey leg cupcakes. It's so easy and the kids will love making them with you!

Prep Time 10 minutes
Active Time 10 minutes
Total Time 20 minutes
Difficulty easy
Estimated Cost $5


  • 1 dozen cupcakes (bake your own or buy from the store)
  • 1 can of your favorite icing
  • box of cornflakes
  • plain donut holes
  • drumstick knuckles guide from card stock
  • ziplock
  • piping bag


  • scissors
  • knife


  1. The prep work: cut out the “drumstick knuckles” from card stock. Cut a pointed end to insert into the donut hole.
  2. In a zip lock bag, crush several cups of corn flakes. Empty well-crushed flakes into a large bowl.
  3. Carefully place the donut hole “off-center” for the most authentic turkey leg look.
  4. Now, cover the donut hole with icing, sealing it to the base.
  5. Once covered, you will dip the cupcake into the flakes.
  6. Pierce the donut with a sharp knife, then insert the knuckle. Now you got yourself a Turkey Drumstick Cupcake!

Have you tried making some cute turkey leg cupcakes? How did it turn out? Share your story in the comments!

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  1. Girl….you are TOO awesome!! Such amazing memories you are making, and I love the cupcakes. Will have to check out that book 🙂