Homework can be one of the most unpleasant yet rewarding aspects of school. Often times it’s just as much a learning experience for the parents as it is for the kids especially when our kids are in junior high and high school. So when you as a parent are unable to understand the assignment, reaching out to your child’s teacher may be your first thought. However, it isn’t always the most feasible option. Instead you can utilize these 5 Ways to Help Your Kids with Homework at home and one of those ways is through the Homework Help Desk who we have partnered with today.
5 Ways to Help Your Kids with Homework
Make a schedule. Assignments have deadlines so the best thing to do is to allow you and your child enough time to complete them. You also want to leave enough time to gather supplies (if needed), work through the problems, and seek outside help if needed to complete the project. Time can make all the difference in whether or not your child receives a good grade.
Seek outside help. As parents we like to think we know how to do it all including our child’s homework because after all, we’ve been there done that right? Well, as time changes so does the curriculum taught to our children which makes sense as to why many parents don’t understand the homework given. That is where websites such as the Homework Help Desk come into play. They are a resource that offer parents the chance to ask questions and learn the concepts being taught to their children so they in return can help keep their kids on track for success.
Find a method of organization that works for everyone. Keeping homework organized is a great way to stay on top it. Consider keeping a calendar on the fridge, a homework folder on the wall, and even color code days of the week assignments are due (you can also do the same for different subjects). Eventually everyone will get used to the system and be off to better start with assignments each week.
Limit distractions. Phones, tablets, TV and computers are all examples of things that can and will keep your children from completing their assignments. Allow what I like to call “silent thinking time” where all electronic devices are removed from the area to allow time for your child to learn and complete their homework. If the internet is necessary for a particular assignment, consider checking on your child frequently so they are doing the research needed rather than just browsing the internet for fun.
Reward for small successes. If you are familiar with positive reinforcement, then you know rewarding your child for doing their homework or even for receiving a good grade can help encourage them to continue that behavior. Eventually that behavior will become second nature to them and you will be amazed at the way they tackle their future assignments.
As I mentioned earlier curriculum is constantly changing to adapt to society’s needs. As parents we are one of the most important people in our children’s lives and should be an asset when our child needs our help completing homework. It can be hard to keep up with it all and having a place for parents and students to ask questions whenever needed is simply amazing!
The Homework Help Desk is focused on helping your 7-12 graders with their challenging homework in math, science, and English. They have worked alongside parents and teachers to identify the new concepts in Math and English Language Arts that parents are struggling with the most so you know you can get the help you need in those areas.
Using the Homework Help Desk is super simple. You can search by grade or by topic, browse through instructional videos or get one-on-one help in a Live Chat session from a trained teacher. The goal of this site is to equip you with the knowledge and support you need so you can help your children with their homework assignments. In addition, you can find links to other websites such as Be a Learning Hero and Univision’s Clave al Exito so you will have the resources you need at your fingertips.
To learn more visit the Homework Help Desk.
For some more homework help check out this book report template!
This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Get Schooled. The opinions and text are all mine.