Learning to make categories, to tell how things are alike and yet different is a great toddler/preschooler skill to help your kids develop. If you are like us, you may have several animal toys. Collect them and join us in practicing sorting, recognizing differences and patterns with your toys.
Ways to practice sorting:
divide the animals into groups of big, medium and small (not by the size of the toy, but by the size of the animal).

He then got out his tortoises and turtles. We turned them over and looked at their feet to show which feet were good for swimming and which were good for walking and compared them to our own feet.

Then he vacuumed up the bit and pieces from our craft and snack while I tidied.

Great sorting ideas! Love that he helps vacuum!!
Hope you are having fun at the UBP!
Jenni (“Miss Tutu”)
My UBP blog post: How to Make a Tutu blog – hope you will stop by and say hi! 🙂 and Mom Blogger $100 Cash Contest
.-= jenni´s last blog ..Hey Ultimate Blog Partiers! 😀 Nice to Meet You! =-.
Congrats to you and thank you so much for your kind compliments!!!
I hope you are enjoying your weekend! 🙂
.-= Raising My 4 Sons´s last blog ..The Pretty Peacock GIVEAWAY!!! =-.
Hi there found you from SITS. Happy Friday!! I’m also a christian. Love your little guy. Looks like a big helper using that vacuum. I hope my toddler will lend a hand in future. At the moment she’s terribly afraid of it. Cheers!
Pop by and say hello at The Blessings of Modern Domestication
.-= Rebecca´s last blog ..A Day to Remember… =-.
I do something similar with my boys. We have math tubs and they make patterns, sort, and all sorts of other things with all the objects in each tub.
.-= Mud Pies For Mommy´s last blog ..Lemons Anyone? =-.
Hi QuirkyMomma! Thanks for visiting my site today. I would absolutely love it if you name your 3rd ****! Clearly, we love the name. ; ) Blessings to you!
.-= Melissa´s last blog ..A Dud Day =-.
eta: Sorry to all! The *** were inserted by Quirky Momma as my hubby doesn’t want the names of our kids on the world wide web… OOOPS! I forget to keep my mouth shut! Its totally my fault! We’ll call her Quirky K and she’ll be here in 100 days (give or take – whoohoo!!!)