What better way to learn about numbers and value of money that with printable play money? Teaching kids about money should start early if you ask me – showing them how and when to spend and when to save and naturally that it does not grow on trees (although we could have a debate on that topic). Use this set of fake printable money at home or in the classroom for play or learning…because it will be both!

Free Printable Play Money for Kids
Whether your kids are running out of their Monopoly money or want to open up their own shop using empty boxes from the pantry these printables are just what they need! Click the brown button to download and print your cute fake money printables:
Related: Printable wallet with play money
They will be having fun playing and will be practicing math while they do so! I really think this is a great way for them to work on addition, subtraction and even some multiplication.
The Printable Play Money Set includes

The first page of printable pretend money has four dollar bills:
- $1 Kids Activities Blog Dollars
- $2 Kids Activities Blog Dollars
- $5 Kids Activities Blog Dollars
- $10 Kids Activities Blog Dollars

Our second page of printable pretend money has three different types of bills:
- $20 Kids Activities Blog Dollars
- $50 Kids Activities Blog Dollars
- $100 Kids Activities Blog Dollars
How to use Play Money
- Download both pages of printable play money and print in color.
- Using scissors or a paper cutter, cut out the different denominations of Kids Activities Blog bucks.
- Print multiple pages so that there is enough money in “circulation” to buy and sell.

More Printable Play Money and Money Activities
- More printable play money packs
- Simple math with these money math worksheets
- We love sparkly fairy money
- Kids and money
- Teaching kids about money
- Best ways to give money as a gift
- How to save money as a stay at home mom
- 50 ways to save money
- When kids manage their own money
- Free printable budget for families
What did your kids “buy” with their pretend money?
I clicked the button to get the printable play money, but nothing happens. Can you send it to me through my email?
I just fixed it! Thanks for the heads up that the button to download the play money printable wasn’t working. I am sending you a set through email.