Oh pregnancy! I was so very excited to BE pregnant at the same time it seemed like my body was fighting with me over the issue.
I read all those pregnancy books…
every last one.
It was clear from them that nausea would last for the first trimester. I am a strong girl. I can last 3 months!
They lied!
With all three pregnancies, I was nauseated for an entire 9 month period. I remember that right after the birth of my first child, I had this happy feeling to finally meet him and this overwhelming need for food.
My story is not unusual. Pregnancy throws curve balls that no woman expects. It is one of the reasons why I am so excited about the
Sea-Band Mama {Kids Activities Blog sponsor}. They have two nausea solutions that are drug-free.
Pregnancy Cravings
It seemed so odd to me that you can want food and hate food at the same time! In my case, I craved something different with each pregnancy.
During my first pregnancy, I craved milk and fruit topping. I would sit down in the evening with a big glass of milk and a can of cherry pie filling {don’t judge me!}. Normal food just made me ill, but this ridiculous ritual kept me gaining weight.
My second pregnancy was all about the cheeseburger.
Did I mention that I was raised vegetarian? The number of cheeseburgers I had consumed in my entire life to this point could be placed on one hand and all of a sudden I was greeting the drive-thru staff by name.
The third time around was the most ridiculous. I was so sick. All day. All night. The only thing that sounded or tasted good was SONIC’s cheddar peppers. I survived for 9 months on deep fat fried peppers filled with processed cheese.
20+ Pregnancy Cravings
I thought it would be fun to ask Kids Activities Blog readers what THEY craved during pregnancy. Here are some of the responses we got!
I lived in the freezer I couldn’t get enough ice! Everywhere I went I had to find ice cubes – Lyn
I couldn’t get enough processed cheese! – Jamie
Orange juice with my daughter and lemonade with my son – Katie
I was a vegetarian and craved Subways Meatball marinara so badly that I stopped being a vegetarian… -Wren
Carrot cake by the truck load! And baby turned out to be Ginger!! – Rebecca
I tried to convince my husband I was craving a new car but he wouldn’t buy it…literally or figuratively. – Christina
With my second daughter, it was Mexican food and Subway – I stood in line at Subway while in labor! Lol – Julie
I craved nothing. I had to fake crave potato chips just so my husband could go out and get something in the middle of the night…I LOVE THAT MAN. – Alicia
I wanted to lick cement walls….weird, oh so weird, but I told my doctor and it is a condition! – Jennifer
Sushi and margarita’s!!! – Angelique
Curry and liquorice… – Wendy

Nothing???? I couldn’t stand the sight of food. I craved watermelon at some point but that was probably because of dehydration! -Zubeida
Carbs! Sweet, salty, hot, cold… All carbs, All the time! – Emily
Sadly, it’s fresh oysters and I’m not allowed to cave in! 6 more weeks to go! – Bianca
Meat! I always wanted steak and loved ribs!! – Suzanne
Freeze dried strawberries. Would buy Special K Red Berries cereal, dump the box onto a cookie sheet and eat only the strawberries. It should be noted that I do NOT like strawberries – but my husband (and now son) LOVE them! – Rebecca
Vinegar and Taco Bell mild sauce – Morgan
I didn’t have specific cravings… I just had a highly suggestible appetite. Someone would talk about a food and I would be like, “I need that. Now!” – Christy
Outback Cheese Fries!!! (Now I’m craving them and I’m not pregnant!!) – Michelle
During my first trimester, when most women are nauseous and unable to eat, I wanted cheeseburgers for every single meal! – Kerry
Jalapenos with my first, fairy floss with my second (which I couldn’t eat as I had insulin dependent gestational diabetes) and anything that didn’t move with my third 🙂 – Christy
With my first: powdered donuts and raw green bell peppers (not together). My second: peanut butter & hot dogs (together) – Nikki
Sleep, lol – Jo
Food Aversions During Pregnancy
For me, it was anything I didn’t crave. In fact, during my second pregnancy it went beyond food. I got sick at the smell of toothpaste! The mint smell in any version made me feel sicker than I already was.
I finally found that cinnamon toothpaste worked and to this day, I still use it!
Calming Nausea During Pregnancy
I ate a lot of crackers against my will because they didn’t taste very good to me, but would allow me to get some food in my body. Smaller meals worked well. Never eating within several hours of bedtime was a necessity or I wouldn’t sleep. Even when I slept in the living room reclining chair, I would still not feel well.
Sea-Band has some great things to try for pregnancy!

The Sea-Band Mama wrist bands use acupressure to trigger the P6 Nei Kuan pressure point on the inside of the wrist to alleviate nausea from morning sickness. I love that this is completely drug-free with no side-effects!
Sea-Band Mama also has Ginger Lozenges. They were formulated with essential ginger oils to help relieve upset stomach. A bonus is that they also include folic acid to contribute to normal maternal tissue growth during pregnancy. There are no artificial colors or flavors to give you things you don’t need during pregnancy.
You can use these products separately…or when things are really tough, you can use them together.
Sea-Band Mama products are available at your local CVS or online at Drugstore.com.
Check out the
Sea-Band Mama FB page for offers and giveaways to make those 9 months easier.
For more information about Sea-Band ® Mama and to learn more about morning sickness visit
This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Sea-Band Mama. The opinions and text are all mine.