So, in honor of my new adventure woman self, I decided to get on board with my husband’s latest hobby–kayaking. We found the cutest ever little light blue one for me, and I had a blast learning how to use it this evening. It was waaaay better than forcing myself to walk around the block again tonight and I exercised for about an hour longer than I would have! A month ago, if someone had said to me that I would spend my Friday night taking my family on a hike at dusk to watch the fireworks over the lake and my Saturday on a kayaking date with my husband I would have laughed in their face, but it totally happened! I am not even sure how you begin to thank someone for something like that, but seriously– thank you!
Jamie Harrington is an aspiring author that spends her days frantically writing about super heroes and band geeks. She's married to a pretty cool guy, and has a beautiful three year old daughter that's the topic of most of her blog posts at Totally the Bomb.com. You can also find her mindlessly chatting away all day on twitter. She’s currently working with Tammy Kling in The Adventure Project.
OMG. I can’t believe you actually did it! When you tweeted about the kayak the first time I have to admit I was a little skeptical…but now I am a believer. AWESOME.