Did you know that 64% of kids are insufficiently hydrated when they leave for school?*

I had never really thought about it, but I bet on some mornings my kids are part of that 64%. It is easy in the rush of getting dressed, eating, brushing teeth, packing lunches and general morning chaos, to forget that water is important!
*Findings based on a study of 337 kids in L.A. and 211 kids in NYC
My mom was a big water-pusher. She always had her blue glass by the sink and a few times a day you would hear her say,
“drink a glass of water“. She was sure that water cured everything…
even a bad day.
I think she is on to something {each day that I am a mom I have more appreciation for her wisdom}.
With all the choices in the world, it is easy for kids to skip water altogether. That is why we are bringing a list of ways to help!
10 Ways to Get Kids to Drink More Water
Wilted Plant – Show kids how important water is to plants. Just a day without water can cause the leaves to wilt. The good news is that water can perk up a plant immediately if it hasn’t been dry too long. Water is as necessary to our bodies as a plant.
Lead by Example – It is really easy to start the day off with a cup of coffee and neglect water, but lately I have cut back to one cup of coffee a day so my first cup is water instead. I was surprised how quickly this became a habit and how satisfying water can be even before coffee.
Make Water Available – I have found in my house that whatever is the most available is the most consumed. If we don’t have cookies, then none are eaten. The same goes for soda. If the fridge is stocked with water instead of other options, that is what the kids grab.
Pack Water – Sending a water bottle in the kid’s backpack or sports bag makes it really easy to drink when needed later in the day.
Water Bar – I love this idea from Randi at
Dukes and Duchesses to set up a water bar with ingredients to add like cucumbers, lemons, limes, mint and rosemary. Kids can create their own special mixture to drink.
Fruited Water – Last time our family was on vacation the resort we were staying at had fruited water stations throughout the pool area. One day the water dispensers may be full of brightly colored watermelon and another day might be orange slices with a few raspberries. I noticed that we never passed one without helping ourselves.
Be Persistent – Kids don’t like change and would prefer to eat like elves…sugar, sugar, sugar. Make it your goal to outlast their water resistance for their own good.
Do Some Water Activities – The EPA has a free printable download of drinking water activities appropriate for K-2 although they could be modified for multi-age kids within a family. My favorite one emphasizes the importance of water through everyday activities like “would you cook spaghetti in soda?”. Another activity charts a child’s use of water throughout an entire day.
Body of Water – Investigate how about 60% of the human body is water. In fact, in kids that might even be higher since babies’ mass is nearly 75% water and it decreases with age. Get out a ruler and measure 60% of their height. Fill buckets with water that are as heavy as 60% of your child’s weight to demonstrate how much water they really are and how much they need to stay being!
Take a Water Pledge – Have your kids remind you to visit the
Nestlé ® Pure Life ® Purified Water Facebook page and take the
Pledge to drink more water. By taking the pledge, you can
enter the sweepstakes to win a grand prize for four to Universal Studios Hollywood or Universal Studios Orlando Resort, or one of the 100 first prizes of a one year’s supply of Nestlé ® Pure Life ® Purified Water.
Water Coupon —> download a coupon to save $1 on 2 – .5 liter or 8 oz. multi-packs of Nestlé ® Pure Life ® Purified Water (15-pack or larger).
Kids Activities Blog is excited to be sponsored {again- yay!} by Nestlé ® Pure Life ® Purified Water. Thanks for supporting our site!
Pssst… Don’t miss out on these great frozen drinks for kids!
Make your own Gatorade at home! Click
here for out home-aid Gatorade recipe!