One of our very favorite things in the whole world is to play with science.  Today we are featuring a dozen fun science activities for kids that were linked up to our It’s Playtime meme. Check back later today {4 pm CT} to link up YOUR kids activities, crafts and games. 12 Ways to Play with Science featured on Kids Activities Blog

Dozen Ways to Play with Science

Explore Light, Shadow and Reflection – This fun exploration of all things light is from Racheous.  She and her kids browsed the Reggio Emilia exhibit, “The Wonder of Learning:  the Hundred Languages of Children.” Chromatography Experiment – Did you know that chromatography is the technique of separating the components of a mixture by absorption?  Me neither!  Learn more along with We Made That. Observe Convention – This weather for kids lesson is tons of fun.  Learn with Learn Play Imagine about how convection changes our weather on a daily basis. Layering Liquids – This density experiment uses fruit juice in a way that is both fun AND tasty!  Play with Inspiration Laboratories for this really fun science activity. Observe Conduction – This weather for kids lesson tackles the mysteries of conduction.  Learn Play Imagine tackles conduction in this segment of the weather series. Make a volcano – This is one of my favorite activities and something my kids are ALWAYS ready to make.  Kids Activities Blog believes {faux} volcanos are FUN. Summer DensityScience Sparks tackles the subject of density in several ways including an attempt with ice cream!  Check out all the fun. Walking Water ExperimentLearn Play Imagine is dyeing cotton with Kool Aid!  What makes it even more fun is that the Kool Aid seems to be walking… Make a Hurricane – OK, if we thought volcanoes are fun, then {faux} hurricanes are a blast!  Join Inspiration Laboratories for the adventure. Science Magic with DensityScience Sparks is working some more density fun and a bit of magic with this fun colored water activity. Growing WheatgrassLessons in Homeschooling is growing wheatgrass and the chickens are taking notice! How Muscles Work – Grab your Tinker Toys because we are having a little muscle lesson!  Simple way to see how muscles move bones using things in your toy box.  I am over at Mom Minded for all the fun.

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  1. A great round up of science experiments! I need to pick a few and do them before school starts 🙂 Thanks for compiling them all!