Speed Cleaning Rule #11: Keep track of your time.
Chart your weekly housecleaning times so you can see how dramatically your time improves. You ™ll notice that you get a little faster every time. Just pretend like you're a kid again. You know deep down that sometimes you just need an excuse to be a kid, and I ™m giving you one right now. Kids like games and they love rewards, so make Speed Cleaning a game and reward yourself! I enjoy board games like Monopoly and card games like Spades, but in my opinion, the best games are the ones you play by yourself, because no one can beat you but you. You win every time! Just think about it. It's genius, really. This is why cleaning is one of my favorite games. Start the clock each time you clean your home and record how long it took you once you ™ve finished. I ™ll bet you cleaned your bathroom faster the fourth time you cleaned it than the first time. Am I right? Oh you haven't tried yet? Just try it and let me know what you find. To visually see your progress and to reward yourself, make a chart out of poster board and give yourself a sticker each time you improve your time. Post it where it is easily seen, reviewed, and ultimately admired. What's that you say? Stickers don't motivate you? Well if that's the case, think about what does motivate you. Heck, give yourself a $1 each time instead and treat yourself to something good when the pot of cash is big enough. you have to do to get excited about cleaning, do it. Bottom line is housecleaning isn't going to go away, so you need to practice. Practice and be fast, and then do something much more fun or satisfying with all the time you saved. Question of the week: What will you do with all of your extra time?Welcome back! If you are just joining us in our Speed Cleaning series, we're glad you're here!
You're not too late, but be sure to read over the previous rules before you move on to Rule #11.