It is time again to cater to the concentration-challenged reader.
Whoo hoo!
Really, can’t we all agree that 140 character answers might be the solution to a lot of the world’s long-winded questions?

The short attention span question:
What is your favorite TV show?
The short attention span answers:
@BeckyPearce: Glee! Singing + dancing + great humor = Happy Becky
@lashawnw: Gilmore Girls…it was canceled like 3 years ago you say?
@jamieharrington: Ugly Betty! I am so sad they moved it to Friday that’s the total kiss of death
@FamilyeGuide: Fav TV Show: Survivor. Whole family can watch together, and adults are still entertained.
@FamilyeGuide: Oooh! Can I have 2 favorites? I love the new Modern Family! I can relate to so many aspects of that show!
@becomingbianca: Heroes because there are so many characters and powers – it never gets boring! Plus they have the most DELISH villain!
@asmanyasgiven: The Office. I love funny and I love watching it with Husband. Project Runway a close second though.
@CharmedValerie: Modern Family
@marj_asturias: “Community.” Funny; smart; interesting characters (even 2nd-ary ones); warm w/o being sappy; even Chevy Chase looks good!
@MommaDJane: One Tree Hill… because I just love the show and got sucked in years ago, still watch it weekly.
@TheMarathonmom: RHWOrangeCounty – the orig hwives with more money than I will ever see and it makes you feel better when they shop at target too
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seinfeld…sad but true