In anticipation of our baby Kate, my husband and I purchased a sleek new digital SLR camera. Convinced that we were budding photographers, we promised ourselves the investment wouldn't go to waste as we looked forward to filling entire external hard drives with precious baby photos “ shots that rival Anne Geddes for cuteness and extremely artistic close-ups of little hands, toes and tummies.
Flash forward a few months and I ™ve come to the realization that photography is hard. Using my dogs, my niece and my family as practice partners, it is amazing how rare it is to get any shot that doesn't just look like I whipped out my cell phone and snapped a few pics for the heck of it. Apparently, an artist, I am not.
Lucky for Kate, my self esteem and any of you out there in the same boat, there are plenty of great photography classes and seminars offered in the metroplex, including those at Richland College, SMU, and Dallas Darkroom. And if that still isn't getting the job done, there are hundreds of local photographers who specialize in snapping artistic shots of little ones, like Kimberly Wylie, Candace Moss, Toni Elmer and Melissa Zihlman.
The jury is still out on whether or not we ™ll hire a photographer for a session or go ahead and take our own personal photos, but I ™d love to hear your thoughts. When it comes to baby's first big photo session, did you or will you go personal or professional?
Liz Edelbrock is a writer and blogger who enjoys sharing her misadventures as a wife and mother with anyone who can learn from her mistakes! Follow her antics daily on The Edel Spot.
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My name is Holly Homer & I am the Dallas mom of three boys…
granda raricorfa de psiptamo y flera con ssega irder. adiamos a proladifa y ensumemor aridacemo con astamenhe deledias!
I went to JCPenny when Reese was a newborn and they were just OK.
Stuart Chance Photography is excellent…I would go with him if we had another new born!