All of the best advice I have ever heard about a healthy lifestyle is from my friend Larry North.  Larry is an incredible motivator.  He is also an author, radio show host and owner of Larry North Fitness. So when Larry talks about eating healthy during the holidays, I listen!  So I’m passing on to you his Holiday Survival tips. 1-Beware of free food, it’s always the bad stuff 2- Double your efforts. Cardio hour minimum, twice a day if possible 3- Weights work best so train with higher intensity 4- Make the decadent calories worth the cheat, why cheat on a so so dessert? 5- Don’t miss a meal, often people don’t eat all day knowing they are going to a holiday party they think I just won’t eat all day and they end up eating all night 6- When you make a bad food choice just get back on program ASAP! Thanks Larry. ENJOY! Learn more about Larry on his website,

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