It is Monday.
Monday it is.

Today’s potluck is buffet style for Shannon. She loves buffets, but requests that none of the following are featured:
Lamb, the smell gets me everytime!
Goats milk, goats milk and Karo Syrup!
Black Pudding

I really don’t think anyone will be making a big sacrifice accommodating Shannon…

This week it was a delight to look up my searches. The top searches ALL WERE RELEVANT and none described dear June in various forms of undress. Here are the top 10:
1. “june cleaver”
2. “june cleaver nirvana”
3. “pictures of june cleaver”
4. “aquaskipper”
5. “holly’s animated life
6. “80s hair”
7. “june cleaver costume”
8. “june nirvana cleaver”
9. “june cleaver clothing”
10. “frogs in my formula”

*roll to a stop*

“Frogs in my formula”? Yes, “frogs in my formula” was searched not once, twice, three times, but FOUR times this week. Whose baby is Googling that?

What is up with Holly’s coccyx?

Last week we took a break from my coccyx to explore how yours was. It seems that a high percentage of my readers have healthy coccyxes or would that be coccyxi? Spell check isn’t liking either. Mine is a bit better this week, thank you very much.

Let’s find out who is Peep of the Week!

In response to Wednesday’s “It’s not me, It’s Janet”:
Oh no! Though I’ve discovered that grape juice works wonders with constipated babies. So that communion combination was probably divinely inspired, too.

Congratulations Mozi Esme for making me laugh to tears. You are Peep of the Week!

Chicken of the Week:

This week I am presenting the following chicken story instead of a picture. (Whoa, Holly’s getting all crazy over here at the potluck…)
Last night Rhett (2) screamed his way into my bed around 1 am. At around 4 am, blog-Stedman woke me up because OUR bed was wet. Nice. So I got Rhett up and took him to the potty and changed his clothes. The whole time he was chattering and telling funny stories and 2 y/o jokes. When we finally were back into a dry bed I mentioned to blog-Stedman that Rhett had been joking and having a good time during our middle of the night adventure. So in the dark at 4:15 am blog-Stedman told the following joke to Rhett, “How do you know a duck is a duck?” *pause* “Two feet!” to which Rhett yelled, “NO DUCK! CHICKEN!” and then giggled himself back to sleep…

What is in Holly’s fruit bowl?

A bunch of green bananas AND *bonus alert* a bunch of perfectly ripe bananas.

May your Monday be filled with bananas of varying ripeness…

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  1. Love, Luv, LOVE Mondays to come read Potluck. Thank you for starting off the weeks with a witty beginning!