There’s always a story behind pictures…
and as I was going through pictures last night on the computer
I remembered so many little details about Reese when he was a baby.
Things it seems one will never forget,
but as time has marched on, sure enough,
those quirky things only come to memory when
a picture brings them back.
I love this picture because it shows a few things Reese loves.
For a while, he was obsessed with sports jerseys. He would change through ten in a day…
He’d run back to his dresser & pull out a new one all the time.
It was fun to find second hand jerseys that didn’t cost much &
bring them home to see his face light up at another choice!
Then one day, it just stopped. It’s sad…I don’t remember the last time he asked for a jersey…
Of course, his paci…his Love from day one on Earth!
Mommy was ready to rip it away at such a young age…
“He’s too old for a paci”
Daddy, with his great wisdom, argued a better point.
“What is it hurting? He speaks fine, his teeth are fine. He’ll get rid of it when he’s ready”
I talked to the pediatrician. I talked to the dentist.
I wanted them to support my side so I could go home & tell Hubby
“See! We must take them away!”
But, no.
The doctors & dentist all said it was OK. That perhaps he *was* too old…
but the pacis weren’t hurting anything.
So there we had it.
I gave up the paci argument.
And sure enough, Reese decided that one day he was too old for a paci
and that the Babies needed his pacis.
So we rounded them all up,
he put them in a box
and kissed them away.
He went back for one last goodbye kiss…
opened the box lid & pulled out one last paci…
brought it to his lips, whispered “goodbye”,
gave it a smooch
and put it in the box forever.
The Paci Fairy came and brought something exciting & new,
but that box of pacis still sits on the top shelf in the laundry room.
Will I keep them until he’s grown?
How can I possibly throw out something that offered such comfort & was so important?
Reese never had a blankie, dolly, lovie..
The pacis were his Lovie.
Vintage baby blankets & worn teddy bears are cute.
Old pacis…not so much.
I look at the box every now & then…but I can’t bear to do anything with it.
Heather does her best not to make too many sappy blog posts over at Reese’s View Of The World…