WARNING:   This is not a usual June Cleaver Nirvana post.   I am not quitting blogging.   I am not having a nervous breakdown.   In fact, it has been a lovely day.   This post is about how my blog has unknowingly turned into a BRAND.   Writing about the fact that my blog has turned into a brand doesn’t fall within my brand. IRONIC, eh?
I read a post earlier today from Jenn over at Mommy Needs Coffee that really made me think.   Her post is about forgiving herself in relation to mommy blogging. mommy blogger camel Mommy blogging is a funny thing.   I think it has allowed me better perspective in the moment, but it has increased my likelihood of crying during a Hallmark commercial due to imposed self-reflection. It has widened my dreams and exposed me to possibilities that I couldn’t dream. It has caused me to laugh more and connect like never before. It has lead to creativity and work. It has lead to writing practice. I think it has been great. I think it has been awful. I hate that my kids run when I pull out the camera. I hate that wherever I go or whatever I do has the asterisk of what I will write about it in the back of my mind.*
In most cases that is a self-imposed asterisk.
I hate that time that it takes to crop photos, arrange posts, research topics. I hate that I haven’t visited every person who has commented here. I hate that there are Alexa scores, Twitter Karma, Klout, PR, likes, followers, “friends” and PR. What started out as a scrapbook is now a brand. What started out as a journal is now a platform. What started out as something agenda-less now has a 1500 word disclosure page. What does all this mean? I haven’t a clue. I don’t think anyone else does either. I do believe I may have been misleading by titling this, “what it means to be a mommy blogger“.   I have no insight. What I can say is that I plan to continue what I love… the writing. the recording. the laughing. I will also try and rein in my competitive nature in this arena.   I don’t have time to participate right now.     I am opting out of the competition for the time being despite the possibility of regrets. I hope to have time in the future and when the time is right, I will be all in. Or maybe I will just go play poker...

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  1. Don’t worry, be happy. Yeah. Sometimes playing the game is fun, sometimes not so much. Right now, I’m kicking myself for decimating my page rank by changing my domain. I did it because I needed to say what I wanted to say, the way I wanted to say it. And yes, I thought about branding and all the mommy blog biz that I’d recently learned about at the mommy blog conferences. Ultimately, though, it’s about getting in touch with the creativity and the power inherent in being true to yourself. Sounds smarmy, right? Truth is sappy.

  2. For what it’s worth, I don’t think of any blog I read as a brand – not sure if that makes you feel better or not. I just enjoy coming over here every few days and seeing what kind of cool story you write/draw and sometimes comment. Sure, I’m jealous (a bit) that you have more time, and talent and whatever else than I do (except kids, I have lapped you there!), but I don’t let that keep me from visiting you and your family here. I like hanging out here and everywhere else I visit because you make me laugh/smile/feel good. I also think that this site is good for you, so I’m glad that you aren’t quiting – imagine what your boys will have to look back on in the future, not to mention future grandkids, they’ll see what a cool grandma they have. 🙂

    Not sure if my comment is very relevant, but it feels okay and I hope it comes across as being from someone that appreciates what you have to offer, and if I were an agent, I’d ask you to write a book, or three. 🙂

    Okay, must go back to work now.