We are using our
word cards to practice writing this week. I wrote earlier about how I love the collection of sight words from
Erudition (we’re giving a game of theirs away this week). The words have been incredibly helpful! You can easily make your own cards, but I love that they did the work for me. Now I can set my daughter up on the floor with our tracing tray and she can practice writing with relatively little assistance.
To make your tracing tray:
We used a cookie sheet and I have wheat berries lying about. We love fresh baked bread! I poured a cup or two of wheat berries on the cookie tray. If you don’t have wheat you can use glitter, sprinkles, old spices, dirt, flour, etc. I just like how easy the wheat berries are to clean up.

To practice writing words:
We got our word cards out and picked a word. I began by writing the word at first for my preschooler. After I wrote it she would trace where I wrote. She picked a new card and we would write the new word. Then I began giving her her own words to write. She did a great job!

After a few cycles of cards on the tracing tray, my gal began writing with a marker on computer paper. If your kids are anything like mine, they will go through a lot of paper with this method! I really should laminate a piece of cardboard to save the trees!
And don’t miss these
free printable name writing practice!
Check out these creative
name writing activities!
Don’t miss out on these
b and d reversal worksheets!
This is a great idea. I am always looking for more ways to get my daughter interested in learning her ABCs. Thank you:)
.-= Christine´s last blog ..Tree salad! =-.
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I have done this through the years with my little ones and will do it again with my sixth child. We also enjoyed doing shaving cream at times also. Sandpaper cut outs of letters for them to trace with their fingers and feel it is also good…use the fine sandpaper.
Enjoy!!!! As you can see from my blog, they grow up too soon, don’t miss it!!!!
We love Er-u-di-tion at our house. What a great sight word game.
.-= Katie´s last blog ..Happy Napping Day with a Protect-a-Bed Giveaway =-.
I just love all of your ideas! This is a great learning activity!!