My boys have recently become excited about spelling. Not only are they self-initiating lessons and teaching each other, but they seem to have really good attitudes about it. Often I will hear them spelling to each other and then giggling uncontrollably.
What has them so enthusiastic?
The letter P.
Mom, how do you spell iCup?
That isn’t even a word.
Just spell it, please?
No. Thanks.*
*See how I can avoid the spelling trap? The last thing I need my boys to hear coming out of my mouth is “I see you pee”.
Mom, can you spell syrup without the s and add an -ing?
**I am not going to utter “Why are you peeing”. Nope, not me. I am impressed with the creativity of this one. It has the bonus action that my 4 year old knows how to spell “syrup” even though it is a tricky word to spell. Impressive, eh?
And then there was this little spelling incident this morning…
Rhett was sitting at the kitchen table drawing and asked Ryan how to spell something that he wanted to write on his picture.
Ryan responded with something I couldn’t hear.
*blood curdling scream*
I ran into the room to see who was bleeding only to find that the emergency was of the spelling variety.
A spelling emergency?
What is wrong?!
Rhett(4): I asked Ryan how to spell ‘fireman’ and he said “L-O-O-P-Y-P-O-O-P-Y”. Whenever I ask him how to spell ANYTHING he tries to make me spell LOOPY POOPY.
Awesome. I’m sharing with my boys. Because somethings really need to be appreciated by those who can fully appreciate them.
i’m totally remembering this lesson in a few more years when my girls are trying to trick me into spelling words.
iCup — I wonder if Steve Jobs will try to copyright that joke.
Then there’s that wonder moment in Science as they study the solar system. Uranus- sure to crack up every boy on our own blue planet.
Are you CERTAIN we aren’t raising the same boys? The iCup joke is a sure knee-slapper around here…any time I don’t nip it in the bud anyway.
Their other fave is to ask “What’s under there?” When you reply, “Under where?” it is met with raucous laughter and “Hahahaha! You said underwear!!”
The genius store celald, they?re running out of you.