I ski pretty well for a girl. I have gotten to the point that I know I can make it to the bottom of any hill. It just might not be pretty. We started skiing regularly enough about 4 years ago that I bought my own skis. off the internet. on a discount. I love my skis except for one thing… On flat surfaces or small declines they are slow. Very slow. Small children and the elderly whiz by me. To make matters worse blog-Stedman is always racing me. Sometimes I don’t even know I am participating in a race. He “gives” me a head start and then flies by me near the bottom of the hill. I am then subjected to a trash-talking chairlift ride about his possession of ski skills of the mad variety. And that is how I get involved in a voluntary race. I just can stand losing…even in a race of which I was unaware. So I challenge him. *just stop me now* And a re-match occurs. I sped to the top of a hill and came to a swooshing stop to allow the hill to clear a bit before I zipped down the hill with speed yet unseen… Except I accidentally planted my pole on the down side of my skis. before I stopped… which caused a pole vault situation… in which I flew OVER the pole… in slow motion… landing in a face plant slide that lasted 25 feet. 25 feet of shame. What I didn’t realize is that my fleece hat was covered on one side with a mini snow bank which is like a broadcast to everyone, “Hey look! I fell!” So when I slid onto the chairlift at the bottom, the guy running the ski lift said, “nice fall.” Thanks. Later in the day I was able to redeem my ego by beating blog-Stedman in a race. He says it was a tie, but I am pretty sure a photo finish would have proved my win.

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  1. Ohmygoodness, this was so funny. I think I’ll stick to dancing in my living room as my sport of choice.

  2. That was funny!
    I raced my dad once, it ended with him going from Steamboat Springs to Denver via air lift. He had a small heart thing happen and threw his back out. We can tell the story now and laugh though.

  3. 25 feet!! Weeeee!

    Hey as long as you looked good and didn’t break anything, it’s a win!

    Tell Blog-Stedman that he owes you some new skis for your victory, AND your fancy flight.

  4. I am just glad that you didn’t end up like that guy in the video I keep seeing all over the internet, Holly. Have you seen it? Poor, poor man. He apparently became stuck upside down in the ski lift…with his pants down around his knees. It wasn’t pretty.

    We are reaffirming our commitment to your blog today and adding ourselves as your follower. Thank you for the link love!


  5. This rocks. Maybe if you were talking to me on your cell phone while skiing in professional racing events…you would have a little better control.

  6. I am scared to death to skiing…I am afraid of getting stuck on the chairlift. Did you see that picture of the man hanging by his pants with his whole bottom exposed to the mountain? Nooooo way.