Background information: I have been blogging for over a year now. While most of my friends and family have been subjected to reading this blog, one person has refused. That person is my husband, blog-Stedman.

I got the phone call.

The phone call I had been expecting for some time, but it still caught me off guard.


Hi. I have been reading your blog…


*act natural!*

Oh, really?

Yes. I didn’t know you liked to play games with people in elevators.

Ya, I guess that isn’t something someone easily works into conversation. I have been telling you that you might learn something about me if you read the blog.

I don’t want to learn anything! I live your blog.

*change the subject!*

So what are you reading?

I was trying to find pictures of Rhett dressed as a chicken to show some people at work. I figured you would have those on your blog.

*insert Holly’s instructions on how to use lijit search box to right here*
*mention Chicken of the Week*

Thanks. The blog is funny. You write a lot of stuff.


But I can’t read it. It drives me crazy. I can’t take it.

Can’t take WHAT? I have left off your image or anything negative about you! You are often the hero of the story!

It isn’t that. It is your grammar. And the misspellings. And the messed up capitalization. You need an editor.

YOU are my editor, but you have refused to read the blog!

Good point.

I thought I was doing pretty well. I mean I write A LOT OF STUFF! Tell me what is wrong. I will go fix it when I get home. That is the beauty of the blog…it can be changed, updated, edited at a later date. It isn’t like a printed page that can’t be changed! I need your help.

Well, I did write out this list…

And so dear reader, the Nirvana archives are undergoing an overhaul. I am listening to blog-Stedman. I may even give him a peek before I hit publish if he is feeling strong enough to handle all my mistakes…

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  1. Grammar and spelling, my arse. It’s plainly obvious he’s just ravenously jealous of your cyber life and your elevator antics.

  2. You? Are a saint. If my husband FINALLY started showing an interest in my blog and corrected my spelling, grammar, or punctuation I’d –

    – well I’d probably light him on fire because I’d know he was an alien robot drone.

  3. Blog Stedman is a control freak. Don’t let him near it. Like Marinka says, that’s why you should screen your calls. Your problem is you answered.

  4. *snort* I love the phrase “blog Stedman.” My husband keeps saying “I’m a little behind reading. . .” which means he never ever reads it. At least yours is interested.

  5. Blog Stedman is MISSING THE WHOLE POINT.

    Blogging doesn’t require correct punctuation or editing. It’s writing the way you talk.

    Don’t let him steal your voice!!!

    BTW – sounds like you should have pushed a little harder to have us come to your house. Sounds like we missed something. And now I have to COME BACK!!!