The Amazing Home Race.
We had done our research and picked up all the SCVNGR pre-race hints.
We were very serious about this because it was worth $10,000 to the winner!
All the contestant teams for the West Dallas race congregated at 11 am in Flower Mound at The Buehler’s. It was funny because I don’t think I have ever seen that many people show up on time for an event. There was a large tent set up and before the race rules were announced, there were mini-games and activities to win tickets for drawings before and after the event which included $100 bills, a helmet cam, and a new iPad.
I don’t know exactly how many teams participated, but we had heard rumors that there were 130 that signed up. It appeared to me that there were around 100 that competed.
We parked strategically away from the tent. We did not want to be held up in the first few minutes of the race in a parking lot traffic jam.
Right before 12, a representative from SCVNGR reviewed the rules and what to expect. We would be receiving text clues for locations. We would drive to the location and answer a question and that would trigger the next text clue with a new location.
I don’t know how it happens, but they magically {or technologically} send everyone to different locations. They say they route you to one that is not busy. They say that the further you have to travel, the more points you will get when you check in. That was all part of the magic {or technology} and it appears to be vague on purpose.
At the end of the race count-down, you text something to the starting number for your first clue. All the clues come in a minute or two later. This was our first mistake. We texted and ran to the car and started out of the parking lot only to find that our first clue was at the starting location.
We had been racing for approximately 2 1/2 minutes and had already slowed ourselves down by our own efficiency.
The clues went smoother after that. Each time we answered a question correctly we would receive a positive response text. A minute or so later it would return a new location clue and then a few minutes after that we would receive a question clue. Those questions could be answered by finding something at the new location. Most of the questions were easily answered. There were a few that were a little tricky, but nothing that would slow our pace to figure out.
The race went on for 2 1/2 hours. We visited who-knows-how-many local businesses, parks and the original starting location who-knows-how-many-times.
At the end of the race we were texted our score.
I had so much muscle soreness the next day I could hardly walk!
Overall it was a blast.
We didn’t win, but felt like there was no way we could have visited any additional places. If I ran the race again, I would get some clarification on a few rules like if you know the answer to the question do you have to still go to the location. Some of the pre-clues gave information that could be used in that manner and some teams still thought they had to go to the location and some didn’t.
It was a great day because we left all this fun and headed straight for the Ranger game…where celebration later ensued.
She Is Dallas info: Information for this post {and previous posts} were provided by SCVNGR {who is an advertiser on this site}. Visit the Amazing Home Race website to see photos and videos from this event. The local sponsors of this event were the East DFW team of Van Poole Properties| Sambuca 350 7200 Bishop Road, Plano, TX AND the West DFW team of Buehler & Associates: Buehler Realty Office| 3201 Cross Timbers Road, Flower Mound, TX.
On Saturday, my husband and I raced as a team in