Baby Toys
1 Month
Snuggle time with mom & dad. Newborns don’t do much beyond eating, sleeping and making dirty diapers in their first few weeks of life. They call it the 4th trimester for a reason! Skip the noisy rattles and flashing lights and just snuggle with your little one these first few weeks, enjoy this stage!
2 Months
Sassy Ring O’ Links Rattle Developmental Toy3 Months
Activity Gym-The activity gym isn’t just fun for babies, but a saving grace for mamas. Find one that has the ability to play music, and your little one will bat away for long enough to give you time to take a shower or get dinner started. Your baby will be stimulated by the music and hanging toys while lying on their back, or use it for much needed tummy time as they strengthen their upper body.
4 Months
The World of Eric Carle: The Very Hungry Caterpillar Teether Rattle by Kids Preferred5 Months
Sophie the Giraffe Teether6 Months
Exersaucer/Jumparoo and Books – Since babies are gaining strength in their back and legs, they love bouncing away and interacting with the attached toys. At 6 months babies are very interactive, which makes reading books loads of fun. Lulu loves kicking and coo-ing while we read her books.
More Kids Activities
Baby toys can be colorful and cute but they also help you baby learn about the world around them. What are you favorite toys for baby development? Kids Activities Blog has more great kids activities and baby toys to help your little one reach those developmental milestones.- DIY Baby Toys: Snowflake Drop
- 24 Ideas for Baby Development and Play
- Crinkly Book {Home made baby toys siblings can make}
- Check out this electronic UNO toy for babies and toddlers.
I find musical toys are best for any age, especially ones that give off different sounds; crinkle, rattle, bang boom etc. I always get babies that i know the soft books that have a squeak and crinkle page in them so they can touch and feel for the noise.