I have a confession to make. I took pictures after Jeff’s magical make-up tour (if you visit the story of my little button, please leave a comment). But they were self inflicted portraits. It was either that or have them taken by a 2 y/o. I took approximately 43 pictures of my face while standing at a mirror. Not one of them did Jeff justice. Not one of them did me justice. Not one of them could be cropped to NOT include my camera. I decided to make that post without pictures because I figured if I said I looked fabulous your brain would make me fabulous…maybe even more fabulous then I actually looked which is, well, fabulous.

Let’s assess my work:Alright, not bad for the first shot. I seem to be looking in the same direction as the camera through the mirror…I will re-adjust:
Adjustment made. But now my head is all twisted and what is with the smile? I’ll just take another to fix that:
Ya, switching sides with the camera did not help. Hmmmm…let me try this:
Much worse! What expression am I making and could I not figure out the camera was blocking my entire face. You can see the brows, but really.
OK, that just looks like a give up.
Better! The camera is a little close to the head to be cropped out. I will try that again with the camera farther away…
OMG. Did I move? Why am I now facing OUT of the picture? Let me try something radically different…
Experiment failed. Although it does straighten out any PRE-wrinkle tendencies. Here is my favorite picture, but hardly a ringing endorsement of Jeff and little button:
Maybe photography lessons are in order for my 2 y/o…

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  1. Beautiful shots! The camera in the shots adds an interesting element.
    I’d comment on brows, but I don’t even do mine: pluck or wax. I just let ’em grow… I’m seriously delinquent in the grooming department.