Speed Cleaning Rule #10: Pay attention.
Almost everything else will fall into place if you do. Don’t think about the revisions in the tax code. Or anything else. In Latin: Age quod agis-“Do what you are doing.” Today, we are going to pay attention to the bedrooms and the family room, more specifically dusting them. Making Beds It is 4 times faster to make a bed with 2 people than to make it alone. So, if there are beds to be made (or changed) and you work in a team, make the beds in a team effort. Also, make the beds first, before doing any other housecleaning. By doing the beds first, the dust created by making the bed won't settle on an already-cleaned bedroom. Desk Oftentimes the desk is so close to the corner that the head of the vacuum won’t fit – use the whiskbroom to dust and fluff that section of carpet next to the desk. (For this example, I ™m assuming this is wall-to-wall carpet.) This will keep the carpet pile from looking dusty. Also, set any trash cans as close to the doorway as you can without interrupting your trip around the room. Miniblinds On the window are dusty miniature blinds. Lower them to their full length and turn the slats to the closed position so the blinds curve away from you. By grasping the string that runs through them, pull them away from the window so you can reach behind them with your feather duster. Dust them using long back and forth strokes at a slow speed so the duster can do more dust-catching than dust-storming. Remember, stop the duster dead still at the end of each stroke. Remove the dust collected after each stroke by tapping the duster against your ankle near the floor. Now turn the slats forward so the blind curves toward you. Dust the front in the same long, slow back and forth motions. The Family Room This room is often full and well used. This makes it doubly important that you follow the Speed Cleaning method exactly. The TV, the DVD Player, etc. The TV is cleaned by using a duster on the back and Blue Juice on the body (of the television of course) and screen. Only dust the newer flatscreen TV's. Use your feather duster on all electronics. To remove fingerprints, spray Red Juice on your cloth and wipe them off. Things Often Overlooked by Distracted Dusters Windowsills and molding on windowpanes, baseboards, chandelier chains, hanging light fixtures, especially the bulbs, bulbs in table lamps and inside surfaces of shades, telephones, plants (dust broadleaf ones just like anything else), backs of chairs, curved feet of chairs and tables, crossbeams underneath tables, heater and exhaust vents, tops of drawers and drawer pulls, tops of books on shelves, bottom shelves of anything, but especially end tables and coffee tables, areas around electric cords that trap circulating dust, drapes near the top louvered shutters, TVs, etc. Question of the week: Which place in your home do you often overlook when dusting?Speed Cleaning series, we're glad you're here!
You're not too late, but be sure to read over the previous rules before you move on to Rule #10.
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I agree about making the bed! I hate it when I have to constantly walk back and forth. Wonderful tips, thank you!