When schools in Japan started closing due to quarantines, all events were cancelled, which included some graduations.
Courtesy of @backyennew on Twitter
One elementary school class didn’t want to pass up the chance to have one final celebration, so they continued with their graduation … on Minecraft!
Courtesy of @backyennew on Twitter
The father of one of the students shared photos on Twitter, explaining that the students typically spend time playing online together. They are in various grades and live across Japan, but play together on Minecraft, often daily.
Courtesy of @backyennew on Twitter
But with school closures and cancellations, the students decided they need to still have a graduation celebration and create the memories they were about to miss out on. They took it upon themselves and built one in Minecraft.
Courtesy of @backyennew on Twitter
Their virtual graduation included all the features on a real graduation, beginning with the assembly hall created in the Minecraft platform. The ceremony included a host, speeches, congratulations, diplomas, and more, everything one might see at an in-person graduation. Cool, right?
Courtesy of @backyennew on Twitter
At a time where many traditions are being cancelled for schools, this group managed to put a memorable spin on their graduation.