Are you looking for some New Year’s resolutions for moms to help improve your life in the new year? Would you like to create a plan that will make this year your best year ever? If so, we have you covered!
Here are New Year's Resolutions for Moms that will make sure you experience the best year of your life!
Next year will be better with some simple changes…don’t be scared! You can do this.
New Year’s Resolutions, if not carefully handled, can be just like a candle with a bad wick. The fire is lit for a short time and then fizzles out far too soon. Can you relate? I don’t know how many times I was excited to change my life, only to lack motivation in the long run. And that is why I am going to share with you some realistic New Year’s resolutions for moms. Seriously, any mom can do these. And not only that, these will help make you a better mom, too. It’s a win-win for all!

Top 5 New Year’s Resolutions for Moms

Here are 5 doable New Year’s resolutions for moms!  This year will be the best year ever!

1. Prioritize your sleep.

Yes, mom. Your sleep. Sleep is the best way to combat the mommy fatigue that so many of us are experiencing. We have the tendency to put everyone else’s needs around us first, but we have to be certain that we are allowing our body the sleep it needs. After all, if we are not well rested we feel horrible, our immune systems eventually become compromised, and we are functioning like a zombie. This is not ideal for anyone, let alone us moms. Somewhere along the way we’ve allowed society to tell us that we are superhuman (which is a lie) and that we don’t need sleep. We’ve allowed society and culture to tell us that we must always be producing for our families and looking beautiful at the same time. Let me be clear: There is nothing wrong with taking care of yourself, rocking life, and valuing your appearance. However, if you are not sleeping, in the end it will be a losing battle. Instead of trying to perform like a robot, take time out to prioritize your sleep. No matter your schedule or life, you can find the time. And please stop believing that if you are tired or need to rest that you are lazy. Actually you are smart. Prioritizing your sleep is doable for any mom if you do just that…prioritize it!

Prioritizing your sleep as a new mom:

Making new years resolutions as a new mom may seem even more overwhelming than any other year, but that is one of the reasons why it is so important.  In fact, this first one is more important for you than those of us who have been parents for a few years!  It is nearly impossible to clearly think if you do not have enough sleep.  So, if you ONLY make one NY resolution as a new mom, this is the one!
New Year's Resolutions for Moms - #1 Prioritize Your Sleep -
New moms need this more than ANY other mom!

2. Spend time doing something you love.

Make it a priority this year to spend time once a week doing something you love. It doesn’t have to be hours and hours (although if it is, that is fine!), it just needs to happen. If you love to cook, then cook! If you love to crochet, then crochet. Whatever you love to do that is not a part of your current routine, love yourself enough to do it. I understand that life brings a variety of seasons where we are not always able to do certain things. However, most of the time what we really need is a mindset shift. So sit down today and make a list of things you like to do and see how you can fit in at least one of those a week. Secret Tip: If you want to do more than one, just involve the kids. I find that I get a lot of joy teaching the children about things I love, and love to learn more about mommy in the process! My children are much older now but I started doing this when they were toddlers. It was a great way to enjoy time together while also doing something I love.

Spending time doing something you love as a new mom:

Step back for a moment and look at what you are doing.  You are in a season where just getting through the day is a victory!  When you get overwhelmed or stressed, celebrate that you are in a season of “survival”.  But there will be some opportunities (especially if you put them in your calendar) to embrace activities you love.  Take them!  And don’t feel guilty about it.

3. Sneak in some exercise every day.

I know, I know. You don’t have time, right? Actually, mom, you do. We all do. It’s just how we use it. I am not saying you have to go to the gym nor work out for hours (although if you can, that’s amazing). However, going on a walk or doing some stretches can go a long way to set you up for more energy and a positive start (or end) to your day. This is a simple way to begin a habit that can carry you into a longer, more enjoyable life. Are your children and partner interested in exercising, too? Make it a family affair! One great way I’ve been able to make exercising a reality is by getting out with my husband and children. We love to go on walks, bike rides, and hikes. You can even do fun things like “sock mopping” which will teach the children work ethic all while burning some calories! Not much money to spend on fitness? That’s okay. There are many frugal ways you can get out and get moving; here are thirteen ideas. Bottom line, you can reorder your day to make the time to fit in some fitness. And you will be glad you did!

Exercising daily as a new mom:

Embrace the activity of every day and emphasize what you can.  Taking a daily stroll with the stroller or with baby in the carrier is one of the easiest ways to get both of you some fresh air.  When it is hot, look at going out early (or late) and when it is cold, layers are key to getting out side.  I found that fresh air helped everything go better during the day.
New Year's Resolutions for Moms. Sneak in some exercise every day. - Kids Activities Blog
Exercise is one of the ways to ensure Moms Best Year Ever

4. Pick something new to learn.

Oftentimes as moms our interests are pushed to the back burner. And while raising children and working are all very important things that take up our time; our own interests are important, too. You can set a goal to take an online course or go to a local continuing education course. If you have more margin you could even enroll into a college or university. And the great thing is that there are lots of places that give scholarships to moms who are going back to school. One great site to check is Scholarships for Moms. This site gives away $10,000 scholarships to moms to use for college. And the best part? There are no stipulations! Regardless of what you choose, learning something new that you are interested in will help you have a more fulfilling life. And by having a renewed spark for life, your family will benefit too. Sounds like a great move for you, mom!

Learning as a new mom:

If you find this idea daunting, then back off the aspirations for a few months and just look at re-instating things you might have had time to do pre-baby like reading or watching documentaries.  Pick up a new podcast to listen to or a recorded book.  Those all count as “new learning”!

5. Volunteer more this year.

Volunteering is an easy way to break into new communities and serve the needs of others. Setting a goal to volunteer more is a great way to energize your outlook on life. There is no greater feeling than when we are able to give of ourselves to help others. And as a mom you are already doing this every day. Even if you have children at home, volunteering is a great way to teach them that there is more to the world than themselves. Children (and all humans…really) are selfish by nature and the sooner we can teach them the beauty of serving others, the better. I have very fond memories serving in street ministry and feeding the homeless with my great grandma, grandma, mom, and now my own family. Figure out the right way for your family to serve and not only will you feel great, which you deserve mom, your family will be learning the importance of serving others.
Top 5 New Year's Resolutions for Moms - Volunteering -
Don’t over-think this! You can make a difference in a million ways…you are a mom!
New Year’s resolutions for moms are a great way to get the year off to a wonderful start. Regardless what you choose to focus on, just make sure you pick something. You can always start a local New Year’s Resolutions for Moms group where you can all hold each other accountable to your dreams. Something magical happens when we let others into our world and ask them to help us (as we help them) reach our goals!

Volunteering as a new mom:

There are places that you can volunteer and take the baby.  There are places you can take advantage of their babysitting.  But even if you don’t find exactly the right way to volunteer in person, there are a ton of ways to contribute from home.  Don’t over-complicate this and think of the ways that you can impact those you know and love.  A simple phone call, text with baby picture or DM with a positive message can change someone’s day. Are you married? If so, this Goal Setting for Couples Course is a great gift to you and your spouse when it comes to setting New Year’s Resolutions as married couple! Let’s agree to make this year our best year ever!  

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