How many differences can you find between these two pictures? Black Friday vs. Tax Free Weekend in Texas

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  1. Poor kids. You still look happy though.

    My kids would be excited by that many pencils, though. They’re gullible like that. heh.

  2. I wouldn’t know. We don’t have tax-free week(end) in IL like they do in other states. I think it has something to do with not being able to make the ‘protection money’ payment to the right ‘family’ members if we ever had a break on our tax burden.

  3. I remember going back to school shopping. It was fun to get new stuff but such a drag because that meant that school was thisclose to starting up again. Lame.

  4. I can’t wait till you start selling a book of your drawings.

    Then I can buy it full price at Target, Amazon, or wherever best sellers are sold.