If you have ever felt overwhelmed. Like you don’t have TIME to be a good mom… …then we need to chat. bestest funnest mom I felt like this too. I had 3 boys under the age of 5. My house was a mess. My time was filled with stuff that didn’t seem to matter, yet I couldn’t stop from doing it. My dreams for my kids’ childhoods seemed to be buried under all that laundry… And it wasn’t this way every day. There were good days {or good hours}, but overall I was overwhelmed and frustrated. A month or so ago, I hosted a chat on Quirky Momma on this subject and one of the moms sent this to me that really summed it up:
After my second was born, I became a SAHM and had all kinds of expectations of being the “Pinterest” mom – making crafts, goodies for school, being active in kids school, making delicious fancy home cooked meals instead of chicken nuggets and fries. I didn’t realize I wouldn’t have time, money or energy for these.
?YES!!! And it is even more challenging when you are juggling a job, working from home, have a special needs kid, have pets, are a single mom, live far from family, volunteer, etc. etc. etc. I will tell you my story about how I overcame this and why I am so passionate about this subject in a special online event. It is a FREE web class called… HOW TO BECOME THE BESTEST, FUNNEST MOM EVER! Even If Your Kid(s) Are Insane & You Feel Completely Overwhelmed…(This Works Even If You Are Not Crafty, Creative Or Fun!) Yes, it is free. I would love to have you join me. REGISTER HERE (registration currently closed) I will see you there :). We got this. {hugs} Holly

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