Dear husband of a new mom — this is for you. When I had our first son, I didn’t know what to expect. New babies come with new things, new routines and a new life. To be perfectly fair, neither did my husband.
He didn’t know that I would cry every morning when he left for work. He didn’t know that I would get very little amounts of sleep, because sleeping like a baby is actually NOT a good thing. (Spoiler: babies really don’t sleep very well!)
He didn’t know that I would not fit into my pre-pregnancy clothes — and that it would upset me every day.
He didn’t know that I would be so worried about our new bundle of joy. No, we don’t expect these things, but they are all very normal.

Today, I am writing for the husbands of new mothers. Here are some things to help your wife after having a new baby:
- Learn how to deal with the emotional roller coaster.
Make her feel important.
Pick up the slack around the house because she will be tired and sore.
Try to be supportive of the physical pain.
- Electronics comes second. First, be sure that your family has what they need before you sit down to relax.
- Respect her suggestions. She’s not putting you down about how to be a “better parent,” she’s just trying to help.
- Remember that it is completely normal to be emotional after babies are born. She will cry — and so will the baby. Both are normal.
- Do little things for her (fixing her breakfast, making dinner). These little things add up.
- Remind her that she looks beautiful and say it when she least expects it.
- Don’t be upset when your in-laws visit or make suggestions. (They are just trying to help, too.)
- Let her sleep. Maybe you work in the morning, so she wakes up with the baby, but then let her sleep on the weekends or even take a nap in the evenings. Those hours add up.
- Be patient with the baby and try not to feel stressed — it will add stress to everyone else in the family if you do.
- Be happy. The best advice that I have is to be understanding and loving.
- Listen. Sometimes all that we need is a good listener.