Kids love butterflies ¦they fly in the most enchanting way and have the most beautifully colored wings ¦and like kids they never seem to stay still for long. This simple butterfly mobile is made with felt, beads and wire. The wire can be easily hung from beds, walls, windows or lamps ¦ and beading on wire is a great activity for kids as wire is much easier to hold and bead onto than string ¦and of course it’s great for hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills and a great way to develop concentration. kab butterfly mobile2 WHAT YOU NEED Felt Artificial flower stamen for antennas Beads 24 gauge wire Glue PC1 Before you start cut out a butterfly shape, body and spots. If you want you can use  this  butterfly_template  . PC2 Glue spots into place. Bend flower stamen in half and glue beneath butterfly’s body as shown above. PC3 Curl one end of your wire into a spiral then bend the wire at a right angle to the spiral. PC4 Bead the wire leaving 3″ tail of unbeaded wire. Make the 3″ tail into a circle wrapping the end of the circle several times around the wire to secure it firmly. PC5 Glue the wire coil underneath the butterfly ¦and your butterfly mobile’s complete: PC6-2 If you prefer you can cut out your butterfly wings from paper and get your kids to color the wings. It’s a great idea to get kids to look at photos of  butterflies and notice the colors and patterns of their wings before they design their own butterflies. Use cardboard from the back of a cereal box for the body. Looking for more bead and wire crafts? Check out my Beaded Garden Bugs post for another fun craft.

More Butterfly Crafts From Kids Activities Blog

Take a look at this easy painting of beautiful butterflies! Learn how to draw a butterfly!

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