We are officially at that stage.

boy at the Ballpark in Arlington

Ryan(11)’s friends are way cooler than me.

My jokes don’t usually end in a bodily function punchline.

I can’t chatter endlessly about Mario levels.

My debate on how long a 1500 piece LEGO set could be put together would be weak and unsupported.

When Ryan is with his friends they are usually doing something fun like playing laser tag, swimming at a friend’s house or playing.

How can I compete with that?

My interactions with Ryan at home aren’t nearly as exciting…

You need a haircut.

Have you read today?

Please, for the 42nd time, clean up the playroom.

Outside of the house, I am not much more fun.   He doesn’t consider a trip to Target for groceries as suitable entertainment.

There is still one place where I am cool and I plan on exploiting it this summer and for summers to come.

The ballpark.

If he had the choice of having a friend over or going to a baseball game with me, I would win 100% of the time.

On the drive over to Arlington, he is uncharacteristically chatty.

We sit together snacking the entire game.

During the first game or two, he asked me a lot of questions.   Now he is the source of information on player stats and what happened in previous games.

It is heartwarming to see him so passionate about something.

There isn’t anything more fun than to watch his face when the Rangers hit a homerun.

I may not be cool in the real world, but for a few more years Ryan will need a ride to the ballpark.

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  1. not crazy about the pic.. he looks 15… when did they all get sooo old.. and how did we all stay the same age.. bwahahaha… seriously kid looks 15!!!

  2. Love it! Hang onto those “cool” moments as long as possible. I too have boys into baseball & love that we can share that together! Enjoy those games this summer!

  3. *NOT* looking forward to this stage with my boys!

    (And yours is cute, btw.)

    But it reminds me of a mom friend who said she *gets* to drive her children somewhere. Once they are in the car, they are a captive audience, and they actually get to talk about things. So I get what you’re saying.