Yawn… *stretch* I am back, but a bit bored of potluck. In fact, a potluck sounds really gross right now. Let’s forget potluck entirely and just go get some coffee and donuts. Mmmm…donuts. Wow. I am feeling better already. You know what would make this even better? Bacon. Yep. No, not fake bacon! Side note: This is really weird because we actually have facon at our house in the form of Stripples-you know the stuff that baco-bits is made out of, but that is not what Rhett is eating. He is actually chewing on really fake bacon. Really fake plastic bacon. Don’t ask about the hat. Not sure about that. But obviously I don’t understand the wardrobe choices of people who eat really fake bacon. And now I would like to take a nap on a hammock in 75 degree, light breeze with partial shade. Very nice. Side note: They just don’t make hammocks like they used to. Remember part of the thrill of the hammock was the likelihood that you would end up on the ground with little warning? Well, now there are safety straps that prevent capsizing. Sleeping in a hammock with safety straps is for sissies. *** And now for a little story called my son may be Dr. Suess reincarnated: Rhett(3) has had issues about not wanting to leave the table for anything while he is eating. Even if..*ahem*…he has to pee. The other morning I insisted that he go ASAP due to my dislike of mopping up puddles under his chair. As he hopped down from his stool he said…
I don’t want my milk to go old or my toast to be cold.–Rhett 4/27/09
I checked the date on the milk and assessed that he was at least 50% good to go. The end. *** And now for what I guarantee is the cutest photo you have seen all day. In fact, I am offering a POTLUCK MONEY BACK guarantee if this in fact is NOT the cutest photo you have seen all day*… *I was going to put a whole bunch of legal mumbo jumbo about how the MONEY BACK guarantee was non-binding and you had to jump through hoops (hula hoops) to get it, but as I look at it I am convinced that it is the cutest picture you will see all day and I stand behind my guarantee 100%. Let’s enjoy a really pretty sunset together: May I have my chainsaw handy for your future sunset viewing pleasure…

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  1. We should have a real live potluck soon to see if you can get your potluck groove back. I will bring the bacon.