Summer ends today and so does life as normal.

Life as normal for over 10 years has included kid(s) under my supervision 24/7.
When we registered Rhett for Kindergarten last year, it dawned on me that 3 days a week* I would be FREE.
*I partially homeschool. The kids go to school on MWF and on TTh the education is up to me.
Free to run to Target without stopping by the toy aisle.
Free to take a phone call without pre-answering shushing.
Free to pee alone.
Glory, glory…hallelujah.
I have spent hours dreaming of completed to-do lists, world record breaking efficiency and a house with Legos contained to one room.
Tonight I am standing on the edge of the promised land.
The backpacks are packed.
The uniforms laid out.
Thoughts of quiet conference calls dance in my head.
I will clean my closet!
I will make dinner!
I will blog!
Oh, what a day tomorrow will be!
Tomorrow, in the quiet of the morning, I think I will search for an exercise class. Probably group yoga where I can stop by clad in yoga attire after dropping the kids off at school. I will be so physically fit.
Tomorrow, in the quiet of the morning, I think I will make a schedule. Probably something I can sync with my computer and phone allowing me access to information from anywhere I decide to roam unencumbered. I will be so organized.
Tomorrow, in the quiet of the morning, I think I will think of something fun to do. Probably something I haven’t done in awhile and I will look down to see if Rhett wants to go with me, but he won’t be there.
I will be so lonely.
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