September 12, 2008 Friday, 6:00pm “Rotty is turning soft like a sponge. Like a KinderChinder. It’s got black mold. It’s getting eaten by a bug & looks black and not so good.”
Reese poked his finger into the mushy parts….
Each day, Mommy recorded Reese’s observations. I drew the outline of Rotty & Reese colored in the mold spots & mushy parts.
September 13, 2008
Saturday, 6:00pm
“Where I stuck my finger it grew mold. The back is all fuzzy moldy. It has bugs. More mold is growing inside. I can’t believe where I stuck my finger got mold!”
September 14, 2008 Sunday 7:15pm “It’s rotten. It looks kind of ashy. His mouth is getting all rotten. I see a spider on the pumpkin. There is more mold today. I see bugs. They must be looking for food in Rotty. He feels soft.”
September 15, 2008 Monday, 6:30pm “He’s rotten & smells like a dirt pile. His face is all gooey. You can see where I stuck my finger in. Look at all the pumpkin juice! The back is falling & tipping over. I wish Rotty would stay a little bit longer. His color is black & orange.”
September 17, 2008 Wednesday, 7:15pm “He is rotten. He is smaller because he’s going down. Inside there’s a lot of mold! It smells like pumpkin to me…and dirt. I don’t see any bugs today. There’s a soft part on his head.”
September 21, 2008 Sunday, 7:15pm “He’s so small! Not big & bumpy. You can still see where I put my finger. He’s decomposing. Part is soft from decomposing, but part is hard because it dried up. There’s a fly on him. He must eat the pumpkin. The back is sinking fast!”
September 22, 2008 Monday, 7:30pm “He’s not like that anymore…not full. He looks like rotten eggs. He’s all brownish. Look inside…mold! He is small. I see a Junebug in there…it’s laying in Rotty. I see a fruit fly inside…lots of fruit flies!”
September 26, 2008 Friday, 3:00pm “He’s not big & tall. He feels hairy. He’s dry. It’s called evaporate. Our guess was wrong. I thought he would turn into goo. We see fruit fly larva from Larva Land. No, really, they came from fruit flies.”
I think that is awesome! What a learning experience for your little boy! Great idea!