Earlier in the week, I posted a story fom
Bundle.com in our daily “headlines”. It was about shopaholics (by the way a shopaholic is defined as a frequent shopper, that is sometimes out of control). I was amazed at how much people spend a month on clothing. Although I have to say, if I had the extra money to spend each month, I might spending it on clothing. I would for sure spend it on clothing for my kids. But in a time when American’s don’t have extra money, it’s shocking that we are expected to spend over $465 billion in holiday retail sales this year.
How much do you spend on clothing? Bundle.com looked at the top 100 cities by population to see which cities spent the most on clothing, shoes and other wear. Im sure it won’t surprise you that Dallas made the list of top shopaholic cities.
According to their research — these 10 cities spend the most per month
Washington D.C.
¢ Residents average monthly spending in clothes, shoes and other wear: $263
Arlington, Va.
¢ Residents average monthly spending in clothes, shoes and other wear: $254.58
Nashville, Tenn.
¢ Residents average monthly spending in clothes, shoes and other wear: $251.17
Scottsdale, Ariz.
¢ Residents average monthly spending in clothes, shoes and other wear: $243.17
Dallas, Texas
¢ Residents average monthly spending in clothes, shoes and other wear: $228.58
San Francisco, Calif.
¢ Residents average monthly spending in clothes, shoes and other wear: $227.42
San Jose, Calif.
¢ Residents average monthly spending in clothes, shoes and other wear: $221.17
Seattle, Wash.
¢ Residents average monthly spending in clothes, shoes and other wear: $221.17
Austin, Texas
¢ Residents average monthly spending in clothes, shoes and other wear: $213
Bakersfield, Calif.
¢ Residents average monthly spending in clothes, shoes and other wear: $201.50
How do you know if you are a shopaholic? Ask yourself these questions: Do you spend over $200 a month on clothing? Do you buy things you don’t need? Could you stop shopping if you had to?
Thanks Bundle for the juicy info!