Monday again has reared it’s ugly head.
But around here we are celebrating!
Yes, the kids are home…
screaming and climbing the walls.
Family is what the holidays are all about.
Grab your earplugs and any repelling equipment needed to join in.

As I have mentioned before, we have weapons.
Lots and lots of weapons.
I started out thinking that if I didn’t provide guns for the boys then it wouldn’t occur to them that they needed guns.
Oh how silly I was.
I can testify to the male genetic need for weapons despite their mommy’s peace loving ways.
And then blog-Stedman came home with
new Nerf swords.
Three Nerf swords –
one for each boy!
Ok, technically two Nerf swords and one battle axe –
because every 4 year old needs a battle axe!
Lord have mercy on me.
Last week I went up to check on the boys after bedtime and found this…

Lord have mercy, maybe every 4 year old DOES need a battle axe.

Thanks to everyone who left comments this week.
I love me some comments.
Two really made me laugh this week in response to my need to look up the
Latin meaning for sed:
“How long before they start calling each other sed-head?” –
“Hey, does my sed look big in these jeans???” –
Congrats to Heidi and Amy who have the world wide bragging rights to
Nirvana Commenter of the Week…for the next seven days.

This week’s
confession is something that I have mentioned on Facebook (please be sure you are a
liker for this AND other golden moments):
I like iCarly.
I turn it on for the boys to watch because I enjoy it.
The other night after the boys went to bed blog-Stedman walked through the living room and said, “Aren’t the boys asleep? Why are you still watching this?”

And now for the moment that no self-respecting Monday would be without…
What is in Holly’s Fruit Bowl?
those metal art thingys are still there, but now a little squished under a bunch of faux bananas (if they were real, they would be rotten by now) and the gun that belongs to a Boba Fett costume.
May your Monday be sed-a-licious.
Gotta confess, I’ll leave iCarly too on if I find it on TV… and I have no kids to blame.
I love iCarly!